Battle lines are drawn between the Government and the main opposition party. Coalgate has dragged the Parliament session to second week of suspension amidst deep uncertainty. The opposition has pitched its demand high by seeking the resignation of the Prime Minister. The Government holds fast to the view that the figure of 1.86 lac crore loss to the state exchequer is highly fabricated and not supported by ground realities. This is reported to be the largest scam as far as the opposition is concerned, and as one that has put the position of the Prime Minister in big controversy. The nation wonders that for last two years the issue of accountability has taken all the energy of our law makers and sill the end of the debate is not in sight. We do not know how to deal with corruption and we do not know how to deal with those who want corruption to the regular phenomenon of our social discourse. India is passing through a very critical phase of social revolution and nobody should underestimate its repercussions.