If Geelani can do why can’t Sagar, Tarigami?

K B Jandial
The revered Eid-Ul-Ahza passed off peacefully in Kashmir without any reported outrageous incident amidst disturbing acts, heightened communal tension and soaring temperature between two principal regions of J&K. There were, however, the usual stone throwing incidents and waving of Pak and ISIS flags. There was a sigh of relief all over.
What helped in dousing the “fire” ultimately was the most sensible statement that came from the unexpected quarter- avowed hard core separatist, Syed Ali Shah Geelani.  He made a welcome U-turn to save the day for everyone. The air was full of conflagration for about two weeks on account of outrageous statements and some despicable acts of public slaughter of cows, claimed to be in reaction to 9th September’s J&K High Court order “banning” the cow slaughter, sale of beef etc.
It shows how distortion and misrepresentation of facts can put the people of the State to avoidable flash point of communal violence. In the first place High Court did not impose any ban on cow slaughter.  It only asked the police to enforce what is already in statue book for the last 150 years. In State’s own Ranbir Penal Code, cow and buffalo slaughter, sale of beef etc are consignable offences under sections 298A to 298D. When a petition comes before the Court seeking its intervention to enforce the existing law, what could the Court do? Look toward other side as the Govt. does or issue directions to the State to enforce it till it is declared ultra vires.
A Jammu lawyer Parimoksh Seth, son of an old timer of BJP who became  Dy. Advocate General under the BJP-PDP dispensation, had filed a PIL last year seeking intervention of the HC  in  enforcing these provisions that are being violated “with the active connivance of authorities” which severely affects religious sentiments of a section of the society. Who doesn’t know that smuggling of bovine animals is a very lucrative business under the patronage of the local administration which takes its share in the booty and ensures “safe passage” from Nagrota to Banihal?
Before the High Court, the Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir defaulted in his response and the Court did what it is supposed to do- asking the State to uphold the law. What should be the role of the State law officer in this situation? To stand by the law or with the violators?  Presumably, the Additional Advocate General Vishal Sharma, son of another senior BJP leader, must have stood by the law. The Govt. first took away the assigned Deptt of Home and then sacked him along with Dy. AG. Were they responsible for the unsavory reaction of Kashmir’s leaders and anti-India elements?
Some Kashmir watchers claim that major factor of public ire was the accumulated public resentment against the State and Central Govts. which ignited the interim court order like a volcano in Kashmir threatening the already fragile bonds of regional harmony almost on the line of Amarnath land row of 2008. The only difference was that the torch bearers of 2008 agitation are now in the Govt. and they remained mute spectator to this carnage of a sort. BJP could neither save the holy cows in Kashmir nor their favored two law officers. The ruling BJP quietly accepted the humiliation.
More than sacked law officers’ purported inefficiency or mischief to embarrass Govt., their sacking was to please the Kashmir Bar and other radicals who have drenched their hands with the blood of bovine animals. Regretfully even the Jammu Bar Association too defaulted on this issue little knowing that it has again demeaned Jammu’s collective leadership.
Sparing no opportunity to embarrass India, Syed Ali Shah Geelani and Mirwaiz Farooq had taken the lead in defying the court order, even calling the “ban” motivated. “Lord of Friday protests and shutdowns” Geelani issued the diktat for protest and shutdown saying that “the High Court’s decision is interference in the matters of Muslims”. The religious leaders also did not lag behind and so are the mainstream political leaders. Mufti Azam and Mirwaiz’s  Muttaheda-Majlis-e-Ulema gave the insidious fatwa to Muslims to give “qurbani” of “gau” on the Eid instead of “bakri” This Eid is also popularly known as “bakr-eid” as goats and sheep are offered for qurbani as compared to other Eid. But Kashmiri leaders changed the religious narrative. Kashmir had no such history and it alarmed the state and the central Govts.
Provocative statements of other separatists leaders are understandable, but even the mainstream leaders followed suit to Jammu’s shock. The senior NC leaders who had fled to Jammu to save their lives on the outbreak of militancy and were well treated and helped by the gracious people of Jammu, did not care about Jammu sentiments while demanding scrapping of century’s old anti- beef law. NC’s General Secretary Ali Mohd Sagar submitted a private Member Bill to Legislative Assembly, meeting on October 3 for brief autumn session, to decriminalize cow slaughter and sale of beef. A secular party is using this issue to embarrass its rival PDP and to promote bigotry and radicalization in Kashmir for expanding their vote base and in the process murdering the sentiments of Hindus. Surprisingly, its two MLAs too remained silent on these developments. A communist by core, Tarigami too shed his secular cloak and introduced a similar Bill. Known for theatric, Er. Rashid would not have impacted the volatile situation alone.
Strangely, the ruling PDP too gave bizarre statements. Widely known for his respect for Hindu sentiments, the seasoned Mufti Sayeed preferred to remain mum on this inflammable issue but his cronies did hurt the Hindus whom he had never made any distinction. Advisor to PDP Chief Mansor “proudly” disclosed (a well guarded secret?) that Mufti sahib and Mehbooba are beef eaters and on Eid Mehbooba would eat beef at Eid. Earlier, PDP Chief Spokesman, Mehboob Beg had said “We are a Muslim-majority State and people (Muslims) here are guided by religious principles about Halaal and Haraam. Nothing can supersede it (religious principles).” Very loaded observations, indeed!
As the temperatures were rising high, widening the gap between Kashmir and Jammu, Geelani made a U-turn and saved the day for all including muted BJP and concerned PDP. Despite under house arrest the ardent pro Pak leader asked the Muslims to refrain from performing any act that could hurt religious sentiments of other community in J&K. He even quoted Prophet Ibrahim and told them, “We must not indulge in any such activity that could hurt the religious sentiments of other religious communities.”  He also said that some fanatic elements are hell bent to fan the communal fire to start a stir in the State and appealed the Hindu brothers not to allow anyone to cause religious divide.


straight talk
Why did an anti India and perceived anti Hindu Geelani bailout PDP-BJP Govt.?Most unexpected! Whatever are the reasons, there could not be a better welcome statement in this surcharged situation than this.
But what about the mainstream leaders like Sagar, Tarigami? They didn’t lag behind in vitiating the environment following the separatists in the beginning of the controversy but didn’t endorse Geelani’s bold appeal putting the “qurbani” in correct religious perceptive. If a known anti-India leader can respect Hindu sentiments and make a U-turn why can’t mainstream leaders do? Unlike Governor Vohra, even Mufti Sayeed did not lend his saner voice to strengthen inter religious accord in his traditional Eid greetings.
Suspending internet services for about 65 hours in J&K on the occasion of Eid was most unexpected and unusual in this  part of “Digital India”  that brought with it enormous inconvenience besides claimed loss of business in Kashmir. While there was outcry and wide spread condemnation of police action, it is not understood how there was loss of Kashmiri traders when most of establishments are closed for Eid in these three days. But in reality it was perhaps the boldest and most wise decision of Mufti Govt. in this alarming developing communal situation. All this inconvenience is nothing before the possible colossal damage to the regional and social fabric of both the regions. What has been avoided is not visible and its value can’t be assessed.  In the absence of this ban the anti-peace and anti-India elements would have uploaded pictures and videos that would have fanned communal fire leading communal clashes. The ban has ensured peace in both the regions. Curtailment of rights for few days is better than loss of life and property in possible riots.
The scene is shifted to the brief session of Legislature opening on Saturday where this issue will rancorously dominate the proceedings. While usual daily pandemonium in the temples of democracy is nothing new but the critical day would be 8th October when private members bills would be debated in the Assembly. Private Members’ Bills of Sagar, Tarigami and Er Rashid to scrap the existing anti-beef provisions in section 298A, 298B and related sections of RPC would be decided. In all probability, the Speaker Kavinder Gupta will disallow these Bills & resolutions but Sagar has threatened of serious consequences in that eventuality. Suspense continued on PDP’s public posture and it is not known how party’s Chairman Legislative Council Anayat Ali would deal with a similar private Members’ Bill moved by NC MLC Qaiser Jamsheed Lone. Indications are that Chairman may allow the Bill.  In the mellowed environment of Kashmir after Geelani’s statement and peaceful Eid celebrations, “secular” NC and others are advised to desist from anti-hindu move which will dangerously polarize the situation, risking State’s peace. They should remember that Jammu will not forget and forgive them for such communal opportunism.
( feedback:kbjandial@gmail.com)