Azad writes to Mufti, seeks financial support for shooter from Doda

JAMMU :  Demanding formulation of comprehensive sports policy in the state, former Union Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad, in a letter addressed to Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, has sought financial support for ace shooter and bronze medallist in 2014 Asian Games from his native village of Doda district.
In a letter to Mr Sayeed here, Mr Azad, has said Naib Subedar Chain Singh is a celebrated and promising young sportsperson hailing from his native area of Gundoh, Bhallessa in District Doda of J&K.
Chain Singh won the bronze medal at the 2014 Asian Games at Incheon in the men’s 50m rifle 3 positions event.       You (Mr Sayeed) may tend to agree with me that J&K is a troubled State and the importance of sports can hardly be understated. There is a need to channelise the latent energies of the youth of the State in a positive direction, former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister, Mr Azad addressed.
He asserted, Chain Singh’s accomplishments can provide the  much needed spark to thousands of young boys and girls of our State to chart out a course of hope and bring positive change in their lives.
I would like to request you to kindly consider formulation of a comprehensive sports policy to promote sports and physical activities in a big way in the State,?? he said, adding, in the interim, it is requested to kindly consider granting liberal financial support to Naib Sub Chain Singh for ensuring his preparedness and training for the coming Olympic Games.
Mr Azad further pleaded that the State Govt may consider bestowing appropriate honours on him in view of his scintillating accomplishments in the field of sports.       By dint of his sheer perseverance and devotion, Chain Singh has also ensured a slot for himself in the forthcoming Olympic Games being held at Rio in Brazil in the year 2016, he maintained and said that fortunately, he (Chain Singh) is one of the rarest sportspersons from Jammu and Kashmir, who will be privileged to participate in Olympic Games.

Accordingly, I sincerely feel that the State Government needs to come forward wholeheartedly to support his efforts to prepare for the prestigious event with full confidence, drive and enterprise, Dr Azad said in the letter.
In this regard, it is worthwhile to note that various State Governments have enunciated very comprehensive policies to promote sports and physical activities among the youth.
For instance, Haryana Government provides cash rewards of Rs 6 Crore, Rs 3 Crore and Rs 2 Crore to gold winners of Olympic, Asian and Commonwealth Games respectively and similarly, silver and bronze medal winners in these prestigious international events are also duly rewarded for their accomplishments.
Sports persons winning medals in various national level sporting events are also given hefty cash rewards in order to induce more and more youth towards sports.          ”Further, monthly incentives and pensions are also available for medal winners and Government sports award winners belonging to Haryana State,” claimed Mr Azad. (UNI)