J&K on threshold of socio economic transformation: Rather

Excelsior Correspondent
BUDGAM, Aug 25: Asserting that Jammu and Kashmir is on threshold of a big socio economic transformation, the Minister for Finance and Ladakah Affairs, Abdul Rahim Rather today said that the State’s infrastructure development has been fast tracked under the leadership of Chief Minister Omar Abdullah.
Addressing a public meeting at Surisyar Chadoora after inaugurating Rs. 2 crore Primary Health Centre Building, Mr. Rather said equitable development of far flung and backward areas has been the focal point of Government’s planning and policy frame work. Maintaining that better communication and education facilities are primarily important for bringing all round development, Mr. Rather announced that Chadoora- Surisyar-Branwar road will be widened and macadamized at a cost of Rs. 10 crore.
He said that Hanjura to  Nowhar patch of this road project will be completed by the end of the current year where as Nowhar-Branwar patch of the road will be completed during next year. He also announced that a metalled road will be constructed from Surisyar to Gogjipathri. He also announced to set up a veterinary unit and JK Bank branch at Surisyar to give fillip to the business and banking activities in the area. He directed the engineers of R&B Chadoora to start work on pipe culvert for connecting Bonen village wih Surisyar within 3 days . He also announced that the building for Niabat office at Surisyar will be completed within 10 ten days.
The Minister gave a detailed account of developmental activities undertaken in the Chrar-i-Sharif constituency.
He also gave a an overview of a large number of educational Institutions opened in the length and breadth of the constituency to provide better education facilities to the youth adding that accomplishment of these people friendly initiatives are the  signs of a big revolution.
While referring to the unemployment problem, Mr. Rather said that about 35,000 posts have been created during last 3 years and the Government is trying to create maximum number of posts to provide jobs to the unemployed youth in Government sector. He said recruitment agencies including Public Service Commission, SSRB and Police Recruitment Board have recruited about 40,000 unemployed youth during the last 3 years. However, he said the educated youth instead of relying on Government jobs only should come forward in a big way to take up self employment ventures for earning a dignified livelihood. He advised the educated youth to avail maximum benefits under the SKEWPY, Seed Capital Fund Scheme and Voluntary Service Allowance (VSA) Scheme, adding that 40,000 educated youth have availed benefit under VSA so far.
The Minister also cautioned the people not to get swayed away by the hollow slogans of opposition, adding that to satiate petty self interests some elements are not happy with the development of the State and its people. They are hell bend to retard the development of the State on one pretext or the other, he added.