‘JJSRC committed to reconstruction of shrine’

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 8: Jawala Ji Shrine Reconstruction Committee (JJSRC) today said that it is committed to reconstruct the holy Shrine with the help of the general public.
In a statement issued here, today it said that the Reconstruction Committee has come into being on the basis of a collaborative effort by J&K Dharmarth Trust, Jawala Ji Samiti Khrew, Kashmir and some Kashmiri Pandit organizations for the re-construction of the holy shrine which is the presiding deity of Kashmiri Hindus.
The four member committee comprising of Maj Gen (retd) R S Jamwal, president J&K Dharmarth Trust Council, M K Raina president Jawala Ji Samiti, Khrew, Kashmir, Prof R L Bhat of Jawala Ji Samiti Khrew Kashmir and R L Bhan, Additional secretary, J K Dharmarth Trust.
The statement said the aim of the Committee is to involve the various stake holders in the reconstruction of the Shrine in its original pristine glory. It said the Construction Committee has started the work in last week September this year and an impression is being created that both Trust and Jawala Ji Samiti are doing nothing for the reconstruction of the Shrine which is not fact.
The statement said the construction of the shrine needs a huge amount and the work started by one devotee may not be more than 1/10th of the total project.
The statement said that Committee welcomes every individual who comes forward in the noble task but will not accept any attempt made by any individual for the personnel fame.
It further appealed the public that the donations for the reconstruction of the Shrine be made only in the bank account of Jawala Ji Shrine Reconstruction Committee (SBI A/C No 32238653745 with IFS Code SBIN0000657 at SBI Hari Market Jammu and not to any other individual or organization.