JTC holds protest rally

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 9: A protest rally was organised by Jagti Tenement Committee (JTC)  at Jagti migrant township today which was led by  Shadi Lal Pandita, President of J T C.
The rally was taken out from all parts of Jagti wherein the protestors raised slogans against the Government and its failure to maintain the law and order situation in the State.
While addressing the protesters Shadi Lal Pandita has expressed his grave concern over the attitude of the State and Central Government and said the situation deteriorated in the State after the BJP came to power at Centre.
Pandita said that there seems a grave conspiracy to evict the Hindu community from Kashmir Valley and defeat the Central Government intentions of rehabilitation of displaced Pandits in Kashmir Valley.
He said that the Kashmiri Pandit want their rehabilitation in Kashmir Valley in Satellite township and urged the powers that be to take immediate steps in this regard.
Mr. Pandita has demanded compensation for the losses suffered by Kashmiri Pandit Migrant community due to damages to their properties in  Valley during past 26 years of migration.
He demanded onetime compensation for those educated youth who have become over age and have been rendered helpless and sourceless, due to lack of job opportunities.
Raj Kumar Convener of the Committee and  Sunil Koul, its general secretary while addressing the participants have expressed their concern over ban on issuing of RBA certificates in favour of those candidates who belong to the Reserved Backward area of Kashmir valley. They have demanded immediate lifting of ban on issuing of RBA Certificates for ensuring early issuance of such certificates to the deserving candidates.