Illegal immigrants

Apropos the increasing influx of illegal immigrants spreading to the adjoining states with highly deplorable incidents of ethnic and communal hatred resulting into eruption of brutal physical assaults against the original settlers, there is urgent need to analyze and undertake the remedial measures on war footing. Feeble response would add fuel to the fire and worsen the situation beyond manageable proportions. 1971 war culminated into disintegration of Pakistan with birth of Bangladesh as a bye product of the decisive military action of Indian forces.
In consequence thereof there was influx of Bangladeshi migrants into north-eastern states in particular and all over  the country in general. The issue has been prominently orchestrated from  time to time by the leaders of opposition in the Parliament and at other fora and despite that Bangladeshi immigrants  have succeeded in getting permanent citizenship rights, ration cards, voting rights and have started asserting their burgeoning presence as original  inhabitants creating fearsome and frightful environment of Bodos, the early settlers and congenial conditions for terrorists and radicals who issued coercive threats to engineer massive panic and fear psychosis which ultimately resulted into migration of around 2 lacs of people both Bodos and Muslims.
This is not an abrupt development  or ethnic clash out of intolerance or religious bigotry but certainly a part of deep rooted strategy, conspiracy and low intensity war for demographic change to fulfill the dream of  greater Bangladesh on the analogy of Kashmir wherein the radicals and trans border inimical forces became victorious to force the ethnic cleansing with total migration of Kashmiri Pandits. If we do not want Assam to turn into another Kashmir we shall have to be vigilant and act firmly to eradicate the brewing crisis from the roots. Bangladeshi immigrants must be identified  rising above the vote politics and stripped off their citizenship rights. Plug all channels/sites to prevent misuse  of social media networking by the terrorist outfits in the form of cyber invasion. All political variants need  be united to foil attempts towards balkanization of the country.
Yours etc…..
P.C. Sharma
Trikuta Nagar