Rana asks political leaders to shun silence over ‘reservation’ issue

Excelsior Correspondent
POONCH, Oct 25: Describing the statement of RSS Chief, Mohan Bhagwat, in which he called for review of affirmative action as enshrined in the Constitution of India, as part of wider conspiracy to disempower and subjugate the downtrodden sections of society, senior National Conference (NC) leader and MLA Mendhar, Javed Ahmed Rana, called upon the political leaders in the State to shun their ominous silence over the issue.
The fundamental right of the downtrodden and underprivileged to equality of opportunity in employment under State to attain a level playing field cannot be allowed to be taken away, said the MLA who warned the political class of dire consequences if the genuine apprehensions of the people created by J&K High Court’s verdict are not addressed forthwith.
“There is simmering discontent and unease among a major section of State’s population and the continued silence of the political elite must end and the State Government must come up with a legal framework to undo the consequences of the judgment so poorly contested by the official respondents. The silence of the Government on the issue is highly undemocratic and smacks of collusion of the PDP led coalition Government with the reactionary forces in the country”, alleged the MLA.
Citing the example of controversy manufactured by the State’s Law department over Beef issue and their professionally dishonest role in the High Court’s verdict on reservation in promotions, Rana termed abominable the functioning of State’s Law department lamenting that “clearly something is rotten in the State’s Law Department”.
Rana appealed to the Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes and other Backward Classes to vigorously raise their voice against anti-reservation forces in the State to protect themselves from soci-economic slavery being plotted at Nagpur and implemented by the faithful agents in the State.
The NC leader also warned the reactionary and anti-reservation forces to stop propagandizing over the issue so sensitive to the marginalized communities.