Release salary of SSA, regularize ReTs: Forum

Excelsior Correspondent

ReT teachers raising slogans during monthly meeting at Jammu on Sunday.
ReT teachers raising slogans during monthly meeting at Jammu on Sunday.

JAMMU, Oct 25: All J&K ReT Teachers Forum held its monthly meeting here today under the chairmanship of its State President Vinod Sharma, which was attended by the State executive members of the Forum.
While speaking on the occasion, Vinod Sharma lambasted the State Government for playing with the sentiments of thousands of ReT Teachers of the State by harassing them as the salary of SSA is pending for last 4 to 6 months and the family members of these ReTs are on the verge of starvation and living a miserable life.
“ReTs celebrated their sacred festivals including Eid, Navratras and Ashoora without salary and even have no hope to get salary for the forthcoming festivals like Karva Chouth, Diwali, Bhai Dooj etc”, he added.
He said that it is very unfortunate on the part of the Government that it is unable to release their salaries.
He also showed strong resentment against the Education Department by not issuing the regularization orders of the ReTs who have completed their five years satisfactory service around one and half year back. These ReTs are being harassed on the name of verification which has been initiated by the Department in the month of the August this year and not completed yet.
He said that the Department has shown casual approach to regularlize these ReTs. He also sought the regularization of KGBV teachers, clearance of the mid-day meals liability pending for the last one year, implementation of High Court order regarding transfer policy and other burning issues of ReTs.
In the meeting it was unanimously resolved that the ReT teachers will lock-up all their schools and come on roads if the Government fails to release SSA salary and issue regularization order before Diwali.
Among others who spoke were Sukhdev Singh, Younis Rahi, Rajesh Jamwal, Manzoor Malik, Neha Sharma, Hans Raj, Navjot Singh, Joginder Kumar, etc.