Brave Pilots

In a landmark move, the Defence Ministry announced the induction of women as pilots for fighter planes after they go through the entire gamut of training according to the desk book stipulations for fighter airplane pilots. This makes our would-be women pilots feel proud that the nation reposes trust in their ability to dedicate their lives to the cause of the defence and protection of the country. Of course, long back the government had thrown open the entry of women in various segments of Air Force but it is for the first time that they will be climbing into the cockpit of the fighter planes. The prospective women pilots have to go through two terms of rigorous training extending over two years before they actually take off the fighter plane, which would not be before June 2017. In a statement, the Defence Ministry said that the progressive step was in line with the aspirations of Indian women and contemporary trends in armed forces of developed nations. We know that our youthful women service personnel are deeply committed to nationalism and will prove their mettle in the hour of crisis. This should be a prelude to a very large number of young women in the country volunteering for service even at most sensitive and critical positions in all the three wings of the armed forces. Our country is flanked by two belligerent states both inimical to our progress. We need to defend ourselves from their callousness, and inflict serious blow to them if they make foolish adventure against our territorial integrity. We would highly recommend that at least one-third of our youthful women below thirty years of age should be trained in martial skills and should be capable of standing shoulder to shoulder with our men in olive green when an exigency arises in which entire nation has to defend its independence and sovereignty. We hail the decision of the Defence Ministry of allowing women to become fighter pilots.