Cement plants are a source of immense pollution of air and water. That is the reason why the Government and its agencies like Pollution Control Board have framed very strict rules that have to be observed by cement production plants. Wuyan cement factory, functioning in public sector, was the first major plant that produced cement. It stands at a distance of a few kilometers from the city of Srinagar. With the passage of time, more cement plants came into existence in the area. The people of the entire area have been complaining of pollution of air caused by these cement plants just because they do not adhere to the conditions laid down by the State Pollution Board when the plants are set up. Obviously, the Board seems deficient in supervising whether these factories observe the norms set forth for their inception. Protests of the people have not so far resulted in any positive action by the Government to ensure protection of environment and making it non-polluted. More recently, a 600 metric tons Mehboob Cement project at Wuyun Khrew is under contemplation. Fearing that commissioning of this plant would wreck havoc with the ecology of the entire region, a PIL has been filed in the High Court. It demands that the Government ensure the plant observes all the rules and regulations laid down by the State Pollution Control Board so that the polluted air does not wreck havoc with the health of the people. The court has issued instructions to the Government to file their response to the PIL within a week. It is true that some cement plants do not strictly observe the rules under which they have to function. We have in these columns brought to the notice of the Government that cement dust is polluting the air in the region and many people have developed breathing and other problems owing to the polluted air. Now that the case is before the court, we hope that court will show due concern for public health and order strict observance of rules and regulations when the Government decides to issue permission to the commissioning of new cement plants.