JK’s accession with India

In response to article “Nehru and Sheikh” written by B.l Saraf DE Oct 12, 2015. In the instrument of accession in 1947 issued by British Govt., it was clearly laid down that choice to accede either India or Pakistan by the states lies with the rulers of the states alone. There was no binding of ascertaining the opinion of their subjects. How then Mountbatten, Governor General advised Maharaja Hari Singh to ascertain the opinion of its people in his letter. This was a sort of directive to Maharaja from Governor General of India. He had even proceeded to Srinagar to pursue Hari Singh. But Maharaja avoided the meeting on the grounds of being indisposed. Mountbatten had to return after four days after waiting in Srinagar disappointed. One more question arises here as to why Mountbatten was retained as Gov. General of India even after India became a free country. Contrary to that Pakistan made their own Governor General. The statesmen who have keen eye of time, have observed the cause being Nehru who had close family friendship with him even prior to independence of India which he didn’t want to lose.
The British Army General of both the new countries continued for some period even after  independence; may be for guidance who would usually be in conversation with each other. It was also alleged that the raid on Kashmir by Pakistan was masterminded  by  these army officers with the advice of Mountbatten . This state has been suffering from militancy and Pak firing constantly for the last more than two decades as Pak Army has the advantage of occupying elevated area of Kashmir overlooking the ceasefire line. The ceasefire also then took place against the Armies strategy.
As regards accession of Kashmir to India it had already been decided by the people under the leadership of Sheikh Mohd. Abdullah was most popular leader of the state then it was established well in advance of the Independence when Mr. Jinnah had come to negotiate it in Srinagar well in advance. Of course people of the state rejected him, thus returned disgusted and disappointed. There was no question of conditional accession to India in the minds of any citizen. Option was only once to be exercised: –
Either India or Pakistan. So Sheikh Abdullah conveniently joined the India. In this context he took over the reins from Maharaja Hari Singh as PM of J&K in good faith. Immediately after his taking the charge of Administration a great public rally was conducted in Lal Chowk, Srinagar where Pt. Nehru was also invited. There Mr Sheikh  assured Pandit ji that our hearts and minds have united with India and even spoke a Persian verse “Man tu shudam, tu man shudi; Ta Kas na Goyed, man degeram tu degeri” It can be translated as:”I became you and you became I; so none could say you are separate from me”.
While Nehru Ji expressed thanks to Sheikh Saab and through him the people of Kashmir for unity with India. But simultaneously assured the public that their formal opinion will also be ascertained about accession. This obviously created a sort of uncertainty amongst the public which was later on exploited  by vested interests and created wedge in between. This comment was the cause of Article 370 which created a wedge in between the two. It is therefore worth thinking as to who was actual author of it.
Yours etc…..
H.N Tiku
Advisor, K.P Sabha, Jammu