Why Chamail not a martyr?

It may be recalled that one of the sons of the soil, Chamail Singh of Pargwal, Akhnoor was mercilessly killed by the Pakistani police and their goons while in their jail. His body bore signs of torture and brutality. It is surprising to note that none of the leaders ever visited his home to even express sorrow ,. The Congress vice President  Rahul Gandhi these days visits Dadri, Sonped  , Punjab etc where some death takes place which could make photo ops or a ground to criticize the Modi Government but he did not visit Chamail’s family even though his death took place when his government was in power. It would be appropriate for the present government to accord the status of martyrdom to Chamail Singh. Rahul Ji also may pay a visit to his place even if it is too late , it can make news for his party.
Yours etc…
Amit Aggarwal,