Towards New J&K

While announcing the financial package for the State, the Union Government had made the spadework of underlining major sectors of development whose prioritization was considered important. The formal four-page document released from the Chief Minister’s residence  yesterday encompasses major sectors and allocations of funds to them. A quick look at it shows that the planning is well neigh to build a ‘New Jammu and Kashmir’ in literal sense.
Terming the package as “wholesome”, the Chief Minister said with much confidence and satisfaction that the Prime Minister was focused on the overall development of Jammu and Kashmir. He said the way the Prime Minister was determined to see a prosperous Jammu and Kashmir was vindication of his decision of forming coalition with BJP. Almost all major sectors come under the purview of the implementation plan. A careful look at the layout of the plan shows that if properly executed and brought about within stipulated duration, Jammu and Kashmir will certainly be heading towards a new era of prosperity and development never seen before.
Prime Minister’s Package, when implemented on the ground, has the potential of bringing about sea change in the life and economy of the State. The planners have very rightly put their finger on road connectivity as the key to multi-faceted development of the State. It is very satisfying that the centre has made not only adequate but also perhaps more than adequate allocations in an overall estimation. Chief Minister announced that the State Government has further allotted Rs 33,000 crores for road sector, Rs 900 crores for health sector, Rs 3,900 crores for power sector, Rs 2,000 crores for tourism sector and Rs 2,000 crores for small hydroelectric projects.
While Rs 52,385 crore are kept for economic infrastructure development building, Rs 8,441 crores will go for social infrastructure support, Rs 8,421 crores for development works, Rs 6,013 crores for humanitarian relief and rehabilitation and Rs 4,808 crores for disaster management. The Chief Minister set at rest speculations about AIIMS announcing that the Government will incept two AIIMS, at Srinagar and Jammu at a cost of Rs 2000 crores each. Likewise, he also defused the controversy about smart cities and said that two smart cities are approved and an amount of 5.000 crore rupees are earmarked for this project. A significant dimension of the envisaged developmental plan is that the State Government intends to ensure that allocation of funds and identification of projects is equitable and just in respect of each of the three regions of the State. If this is strictly enforced, it should leave no scope for complaint of discrimination by any one of the three regions.
This is for the first time in the history of the State that the Central Government has initiated such an elaborate and comprehensive developmental programme for our State. It shows the Modi Government has thorough understanding of the difficulties faced by this hilly state especially in the background of the turmoil that has arrested its progress during past two decades and half. With this hefty package and State Government’s positive response to it, huge responsibility now devolves on the shoulders of the State Government. On the one hand the Central Government has offered this hefty package to the State and on the other hand, the Sub-Group of Chief Ministers’ Committee has, made various recommendations to the NIIT Aayog that pertain to re-vamping of guidelines to the Himalayan States including J&K in connection with completion of Centrally Sponsored Projects within the stipulated time. If those recommendations are accepted, it will be a boon for J&K in particular. Most of the actual difficulties that obstruct timely completion of Central projects will be overcome and the State will have a say in drawing modalities of implementation procedures for such schemes.
The State Government has to make sure that it has the infrastructure competent enough to carry forward the massive agenda of floating developmental projects. The package demands that the State Government has to be open-minded in upgrading the system of managing the projects, identifying the executive agencies with functional capability and expertise and reputation for delivery on time. In the interests of the State, the Government has to look beyond the borders of the state to recruit top agencies inclined to undertake developmental projects. No excuse will be entertained by the civil society if the Government does not show discretion about projects and their allocation to agencies. Time factor is of great importance. Normally a sound project takes 4-5 years for completion and that precisely is the duration of the present term of the Coalition Government. If it is successful in bringing most of the developmental projects to completion before its term expires, it will very comfortably stake claim for the second term.
It is also possible that with passage of time and gaining of practical experience from ground realities, some changes will be needed in the proposed plan. That should not be difficult to manage. For example, the issue of return and rehabilitation of internally displaced Pandits from the valley and that of the refugees of West Pakistan have received very scant rather negligible attention in the document. While the subject of succour to flood affected people receives at least four small paragraphs, the return and rehabilitation of  migrants has not merited a single line except the most ambiguous words of six thousand recruitments in Government departments. That is not relevant to the rehabilitation of no fewer than thirty-four thousand internally displaced families from the Valley. Similarly, mere expression of  West Pakistan refugees issues as “humanitarian” issue does not carry any commitment. The Government shall have to address both of these issues while announcing the break up of the package amount.
Finally, now the ball is in the court of the State Government. Entire nation will watch with very keen interest how the State Government is able to make the best use of financial assistance offered. That is the real meaning of building a new Jammu and Kashmir.