NC won’t allow divisive forces to fiddle with J&K’s singular character: Sagar

Excelsior Correspondent

Ali Mohammad Sagar, Devender Singh Rana and other senior NC leaders during a party meeting on Tuesday.
Ali Mohammad Sagar, Devender Singh Rana and other senior NC leaders during a party meeting on Tuesday.

JAMMU, Nov 17: Reiterating that National Conference will offer any sacrifice for maintaining the unity and singular entity of Jammu and Kashmir, General Secretary Ali Mohammed Sagar today cautioned those attempting to trample with this unique feature saying that the people of the three regions would fight their sinister machinations with full might.
“Bartering interests of the State may be the agenda of those who want to remain glued to power by compromising with their conscience but the people, irrespective of caste, creed, region or religion, are firm in their resolve to maintain the single entity of the state and preserve its composite ethos”, Mr Sagar said while addressing a day long convention of the party functionaries at Sher-e-Kashmir Bhavan here.
The General Secretary said that National Conference, being people’s movement has always surmounted the challenges with resilience and fortitude at the strength of its dedicated cadre and would do so always with a sense of commitment. He exhorted the cadre to gear up for challenges unfolded by the divisive elements and help in retaining the sheen of this State, which is a repository of unity and tranquillity. He also urged them to fan out in their respective areas and help in building a society based on trust, love and compassion, as envisioned by Sher-e-Kashmir Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah.
Mr Sagar also reviewed the progress on membership drive currently going on across the State and hoped that the cadre will expedite it and reach out in every nook and corner.
Speaking on the occasion, Provincial President Devender Singh Rana urged the people to maintain vigil against divisive elements who were out to disturb the peace and tranquillity, especially in the wake of growing public enchantment against them.
“We have all along been cautioning against the divisive designs of the BJP which has been brazenly advocating and supporting clandestinely the demand for trifurcation of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh on religious and regional lines to satiate its unfinished agenda”, he said, adding that the silver line, however, is that the people have realized their game plan and were distancing from such nefarious agenda.
Mr Rana said that unity and tranquillity are ingrained in the glorious ethos of this State, which cannot be disturbed by the forces which have emerged like a bubble of water. “The day is not far when the people who mandated them to power will teach them a lesson for their divisiveness and creating hatred among various sections of the people.
The Provincial President also warned against attempts of weakening the special position of Jammu and Kashmir by fiddling with Article 35-A or Article 370. “These provisos are the identity of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh regions”, he added.
Speaking on the occasion, Senior State Vice President Surjeet Singh Slathia lambasted the PDP-BJP coalition for performance deficit and said due to lack of direction and political will the problems of the people have accumulated during the past over eight months.
Addressing the Convention, State Vice President Peer Mushtaq Ahmad Bukhari recalled how the previous Government and successive National Conference dispensations made a real turn around in the situation by giving development a new impetus and direction.
Chairman SC/OBC Cell Babu Rampal and Youths National Conference president Ajaz Jain also spoke on the occasion.