IS may join hands with LeT for terror attacks in India: GOC

Sanjeev Pargal
page1-1JAMMU, Nov 19: General Officer Commanding (GOC), Nagrota based 16 Corps Lt Gen RR Nimbhorkar said today that global terrorist outfit Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) might join hands with Pakistan based Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) to carry out terror attacks in India but added that the troops were on very high alert and committed to thwart nefarious designs of the militant outfits.
Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a function here this morning, Lt Gen Nimbhorkar, whose Corps commands most parts of Jammu region barring three border districts of Jammu, Samba and Kathua, didn’t rule out the possibility of the IS joining hands with the LeT to carry out terror attack in India saying the terrorists have only one motive—to spread terror and they could join hands to achieve their goal.
He was responding to a question as to whether the IS, which had recently carried out multiple terror attacks in French capital of Paris killing over 125 people and injuring many others, could join hands with the LeT for terror strikes as the IS itself has negligible presence in India.
“Yes, that (IS joining hands with LeT to launch attacks in India) can be a possibility as the motive of the terrorists is to spread their propaganda. They want their name and for that, they can do anything. And if they get successful, they can take advantage of it by using any name. Yes it is a possibility,” Lt Gen Nimbhorkar said but added that the troops, on their part, were fully alive to the situation and were taking all necessary and adequate steps to ensure that the militants didn’t succeed in their plot.
“We are fully alert to the situation and ready to meet with any eventuality,’’ the GOC Nagrota Corps said.
“If any organization wants to grow then it is bound to recruit people into its folds,’’ he said in response to another question on radicalization of Kashmiri youth and their attraction towards the IS ideology. He said the IS is globally known for recruitment through internet
“They (the IS) will definitely go for recruitment.  It is their job and it is to be seen in how much area they get success. It depends on their propaganda,” he added.
However, the Army Commander said he can’t say anything with any degree of certainty whether there was IS presence or not.
“We have seen scattered incidents of IS flags being raised in Srinagar but we cannot say with certainty about their influence having increased.” He added that the need of the hour was to remain alert and be ready to face any eventuality and the Army is just doing that.
“Right now, we have to do detailed analysis but at the end it is our job that we have to be ready all the time. We have to remain alert. Whatever the name be, be it the IS, the LeT, Hizb-ul-Mujahideen etc if they attack the final result would be the same. We have to guard against that final result and I want to assure you that we are always ready,” Lt Gen Nimbhorkar said.
Replying to another question on the presence of IS in terrorist training camps in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK), he said nothing can be said with certainty about the presence of IS in PoK.
There had been some Intelligence inputs about presence of IS in Pakistan including PoK but there were no specific reports that the IS cadre had penetrated into PoK or mixed up with the LeT and Hizbul Mujahideen outfits.
On reports about youth in Kashmir being radicalized by the use of internet and that IS was trying to spread its ideology in the Valley through social media, the Army officer described it as a global problem.
“See management of the Internet is a worldwide problem. It is a power that can be used by anyone, who is not empowered by other means. They can use this media to their advantage. So how to fight it, is a different issue altogether and that has to be dealt and looked into its perspective,” he said.
“This stance of yours that the IS is using the (social) media is correct and I have read it on the net that they are using it to their advantage. But I am quite certain people at the helm of affairs are aware of this and they will take necessary measures to counter it in a manner which is legal and firm,” Lt Gen Nimbhorkar said.
To another question about the threat of IS penetrating into the Kashmir valley, he said, “I feel that and I have said it that IS is a worldwide problem and people are aware of this issue.
“As far as our area is concerned, whether it is IS or LeT, they all are inimical to us and we have to guard against them. Our basic philosophy is not to allow them to intrude or infiltrate and we are geared up for the same. We are ready to counter any action on their part,’’ the GOC Nagrota Corps said.
He said that if militants would get a chance they would try to target the civilian areas as they have done in the past, but the methodology adopted by the Army was helping to prevent such attempts.
On the issue of Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), Lt Gen Nimbhorkar said that the top brass of the force was aware of the issue and it was being discussed at the highest level in the Government.
“They are aware about the issue of AFSPA and they will take up appropriate decision on it,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Army Commander said there are around 700 active militants in (PoK) who were well trained in handling of sophisticated weapons and explosives.
“The militants were fully trained and awaiting opportunity to infiltrate into the Indian territory. However, our alert troops have denied such an opportunity to the militants,’’ he added.
On a question about the number of terrorist training camps still active across the Line of Control (LoC) in PoK, he said that from the inputs that the captured Pakistani terrorist Mohammad Naved has given, there were around 37 active camps in that region.
“See, there are a number of launching pads and we are all aware of it as it is in the open domain. So, therefore, I will not exactly say as to how many are there,” he said.
Lt Gen Nimbhorkar said: “there are sufficient number of launching pads and if you calculate that way… Take the statement which is given by terrorist captured in Udhampur attack so you can easily co-relate what he said and calculate…
“So to my mind in the entire PoK there may be about 600-700 terrorists.”
He said that out of the 700 militants present in the PoK, half of them are ready and waiting for a chance to infiltrate into the Indian side.
“Out of them, half are ready to be launched so they can come in the launch pad and get launched,” he said.
The Army Commander said Mohammad Naved has revealed that 35-37 terrorist camps were active in PoK.
“About 35 to 37 camps are there and if in every camp there are 20-30 (terrorists), then the total figure reaches to 600-700 and out of them half are ready to be launched,” he said.
Lt Gen RR Nimbhorkar said the militants were looking for ways and means to infiltrate.
“We cannot say this with certainty whether the number has increased or decreased. In my opinion, it is their job to find ways and means to infiltrate and whenever they get a chance they do it and our job is to stop them and if one of them slips in and our job is to clear them. It is an ongoing game which keeps on going,” he added.
Lt Gen Nimbhorkar said new and advanced weaponry will be deployed along the LoC once they are tested.
“At the moment, they (new and modern weapons) are in the nascent stage… There are various upgradation and whether you call them remotely controlled (guns) or you can say upgradation of various technologies, they are in the nascent stage.
“We are trying them and if they are successful we will deploy them,” the GOC 16 Corps said.
“See, on the LoC, we have to be always evolving. There is no one methodology and equipments we put on the LoC. (Whenever) We find it needs to be changed, (we change it). We do innovation and that is the ongoing process,” Lt Gen Nimbhorkar said.
He was replying to a question about the Army’s plan to deploy remote-controlled guns on the LoC to check infiltration from the Pakistani side.
“So, in this process, there are things which we have thought off– which we are practicing and when they are fully functional then we will deploy them,” he added.
He said that the militants were present in various training camps across the border and they were waiting for an opportunity to sneak in.
“There is no doubt that they are there. They are in various camps and obliviously if they are there, they are there to come to this side so they will try to infiltrate.
“Now, where will they infiltrate, that one cannot say. What is in our hand is to be alert and foil their plans for any infiltration,” he said.
Asked about the non-availability of the firing ranges for the Army in Jammu and Kashmir, he said that it was an issue of concern for the Army.
Lt Gen Nimbhorkar said that the need of the firing range “is there so we are facing problems”.
“However, this issue has been addressed by the civil Government and they are quite helpful in their attitude towards us and I think this problem will be sorted out,” he said.
On the martyrdom of Col Santosh Mahadik who made the supreme sacrifice while fighting militants in the forests of Kupwara in North Kashmir, Lt Gen Nimbhorkar said that to lead from the front was the ethos of the Army.
“I knew Col Santosh personally, he was one of the best officers I have ever seen, always willing to do anything for the motherland and he was very fond of his troops.
“I am quite certain that when he had gone and carried out the operation himself as Commanding Officer of the unit he led troops from the front and doing his duty he attained martyrdom,” he said.