China, India vow to fight terror, transnational crime

ChinaBEIJING, Nov 20: China and India today vowed to deepen cooperation in combating terrorism and fighting transnational crime as Home Minister Rajnath Singh held talks with a top Communist Party official here.

Singh, who arrived here on Wednesday, held talks with Meng Jianzhu, head of the Commission for Political and Legal Affairs of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, on a wide range of issues.

China and India should enhance cooperation to combat terrorism and fight transnational crime, Meng said during his meeting with Singh.

China and India should also coordinate to improve border entry and exit administration to facilitate people’s travel and promote stability in the region, Meng was quoted by the state-run Xinhua news agency as saying.

Singh said his ministry is willing to deepen cooperation with Chinese law enforcers to strengthen bilateral relations. (AGENCIES)