Bihar poll outcome & fierce war-of-words likely to over-shadow Parliament proceeding

NEW DELHI :  The winter session of Parliament–that commences on Thursday  under the shadow of ruling BJP’s bitter defeat in Bihar assembly polls and the din of  war-of words over a number of issues being fuelled by the either sides–, is likely to be  stormy more or less in a manner like the previous monsoon session.
The month long session that is scheduled to last till December 23, aims at passage of at least 15-20 Bills besides discharge of some other time bound business, however, the immediate urgency and concern of the government is Parliament’s nod to the all  vital GST Bill for implementing the ambitious tax reforms by the deadline of April 1, 2016.
However, in the prevailing political scenario and charged atmosphere the task appears to be much ticklish for the ruling NDA strategists.
While presenting a brave-face after the drubbing in Bihar, the ruling formation is making bid to convey to the opposition and all that it meant due discharge of business and also discussion on all contentious issues in a democratic manner, the up-beat opposition camp- buoyed by the impressive show at the hustings and installation of the Grand Alliance Government in Patna and up-set by ‘arrogant utterances by Ministers” appeared planning differently.
The Constituents of the Grand Alliances are gearing up to show  their muscle and bring to the docks the Modi Government on a wide range of burning issues right from intolerance, beef controversy to that price rise, Lalitgate, Vyapam and retaliate on allegations against Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi and his father late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi.
As fierce war-of-words that broke much ahead of the session, between the saffron formation and the rival Congress led camps–reflective on their moods-, is driven ahead  actively by both sides, the government floor mangers have already swung into action to pacify the ’embattled groups’ and ensure smooth sailing and due discharge of agenda.
In a bid to cool the moods of rivals and achieve ‘cease-fire’ amid ongoing verbal duels, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, the principal trouble shooter in the Government, called on Congress vice president Gandhi this week, his colleague and Parliamentary Affairs Minister M Venkaiah Naidu has opened up his pre-session dialogue with the Congress leaders including Malikarjun Kharge and M Veerappa Moily.
Speaker Sumitra Mahajan has convened an all party meeting on November 25 to evolve consensus for smooth proceeding in the House and also on agenda and business for the session even as Prime Minister Narendra Modi called the meeting of leaders of the ruling NDA allies to take them in confidence over agenda and issues amid ‘caution signals’ sent by some of them after dismal show at the hustings in Bihar.
The Government Chief Whip Arjun Ram Meghwal indicates of a  conciliatory approach from the Treasury benches with intend to clear the pending and obligatory legislative business and also generate space for democratic discussions on all contentious issues.
Mr Meghwal said the agenda and business for the session would be finalised through deliberations at level of the all party meeting and the business advisory committee.
“However, the government intends to clear at least 15-20 Bills including the much vital GST Bill and meaningful discussions on topical issues.
He said “since the session commencement coincides with the ‘Constitution Day’, we want to hold two-day discussion on ‘commitment on constitution’ on November 26 and 27, then the further course of proceedings in the House would be decided  and defined by outcome of the all party meeting and deliberations at the business advisory committee(BAC) that could be held on November 27.       Signalling at a flexible approach by the Government, Mr Meghwal said “We would see in what way the opposition leaders wish to proceed on the course of the  proceeding, whether they want discussion on their ‘burning issues like intolerance and all’ at the onset or they ensure passing of some contentious Bills first”.
Over priorities of the Government, the ruling party whip said “GST Bill is of the national importance, it is essential for all and urgency for its early passage is being realised by all.
Besides this, there are certain vital Bills, over issues of labour and  environment, social security and welfare, transgenders and bankruptcy code bill, negotiable instruments arbitration bill  and also issue of Judicial Appointments that required a consensus, he said.       However, he indicated that the controversial Bill of the Modi government the Land Acquisition(Amendment Bill) 2015 could be kept on a back burner for a while saying that it is still with the Joint Committee of Parliament.
“We want it that way (consensus), our senior leader Finance Minister Mr Jaitley has already called on Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi and had some word over the GST Bill during course of his meet that in-fact was undertaken for inviting  Rahulji for wedding ceremony of Mr Jaitley’s daughter”, Mr Meghwal said.
Mr Jaitley has repeatedly said in the last few days that he would reach  out to Congress and Gandhi to seek his help to clear the GST Bill, the government’s  big tax reform that is stuck in Parliament on stiff opposition from Congress which has its upper hand in the Rajya Sabha.
We want to run smoothly the House and the opposition should also cooperative for this cause, BJP leaders including Mr Naidu and Mr Meghwal are stressing up on.    But this appears to be inadequate as Congress leaders like Abhishek Manu Singhvi and Randeep Singh Surjewala reflect at opposition’s hard stance saying ensuring smooth run in the house is responsibility of the Treasury benches for us raising every of vital issues of immediate public importance is important, we would  expose the Government among masses.
Nation certainly does not expect us to remain mute spectators when our leadership and legacy is being targeted and harmed unduly, prices are sky-rocketing, pulses, vegetables–tomatoes, onions, even muster oil are out of reach of a large sections of people and the ruling formation and the Prime Minister are busy in their self praise oriented campaign and hidden divisive and communal agenda, the Congress leaders said.
Undue outcry and confronting approach of the leaders of the ruling alliance on  ‘false and fabricated issues’ like row over nationality of the Congress vice president, demand of withdrawal of Bharat Ratna from late Mr Rajiv Gandhi reflected on real intends of the saffron brigade, many of Congress leaders felt.
Senior Congress leader and former Finance Minister P Chidambaram has warned  PM had two to three weeks for a course correction for piping down, shunning the path of arrogance and reaching out to the Opposition.
The party leaders are of the view that out of its arrogance, the government  kept Congress leaders like Sonia Gandhi and Chidambaram out of the loop while  negotiating for the GST Bill.
Deputy Opposition leader in the Rajya Sabha Anand Sharma said, They  have to get off the high horse. There are issues like intolerance and the way social activists, scientists and historians have been treated”.
“It’s the responsibility of the PM to ensure smooth functioning of Parliament, Sharma said.
Even non Congress BJP rivals expressed intend to make difficult situation for  the  Modi government.
Consolidating an anti-BJP alliance would be our priority, the comment of JD(U)  president Sharad Yadav is a reflection on moods in the opposition parties.
RJD supremo Lalu Yadav also did not chew words while announcing for strong  protests against the Modi Government in Parliament over a host of issues.
Senior JD(U) leader KC Tyagi’s remark the combined Opposition would  settle for nothing less than resignations of at least a couple of ministers who are in habit of making controversial statements, is also a clear indicator of ‘rough weather’ in the Houses during the session.
So, the outcome of the all party meeting on Wednesday would decide what way the session would advance, whether it meets the fate similar to the  last monsoon session or would hold good the expectations of people by  discharging properly on contentious Bills.
The monsoon session in July-August this year had suffered a total washout in the wake of controversies on various issues like Lalitgate, Vyapam. (UNI)