AIKS delegation meets Dr Jitendra Singh, demands probe into killings of Pandits

Excelsior Correspondent

AIKS delegation presenting a memorandum to Union Minister, Dr Jitendra Singh at New Delhi on Thursday.
AIKS delegation presenting a memorandum to Union Minister, Dr Jitendra Singh at New Delhi on Thursday.

NEW DELHI, Nov 26: A delegation of All India Kashmiri Samaj (AIKS), led by its President, Vijay Aima, called on Dr. Jitendra Singh, Minister of State in the PMO with Independent charge of North Eastern States at his North Block Office here.
The other members of the delegation were M. K. Pajan,  Raj Nehru and  Vinod Fotedar.
The delegation brought to the notice of the Union Minister the discriminatory terms and conditions thrust on the displaced Pandit youth while seeking employment under the PM’s Package. He was informed that the candidates applying under the package were required to sign a bond, a prerequisite not enforced on others. Dr Jitendra Singh was urged to ensure that this exploitative precondition is done away with at the earliest.
He was also requested to take necessary steps to improve the working and living conditions of the package employees in Kashmir Valley. The delegation requested the Union Minister to issue directions to the State Government to complete the construction of accommodation for 6000 such employees, as announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently.
Dr Jitendra Singh was further requested to provide the Central Government’s moral and financial support for the creation of a Centre of Excellence near the Camp settlements, so that the children from these colonies and nearby areas are equipped with proper skills to face a highly competitive world, on equal terms, in future.
The delegation which also submitted a memorandum to Dr Singh demanded a Commission of Inquiry be instituted at the earliest to look into the targeted killings of Kashmiri Pandits in 1989-90, which led to the exodus of the community from the Valley. This will ensure that the disinformation spread by vested interests regarding our forced displacement, is exposed and the truth behind our ethnic cleansing is brought out in the public domain. This will go a long way in instilling confidence in the members of the displaced community.
AIKS delegation reiterated its demand that displaced community be settled in concentrated settlements on return, where they can live in safety, security and with dignity.
Another important issue discussed related to the protection and preservation of Hindu temples and shrines in Kashmir. He was explained in detail the ravages these have suffered and continue to suffer at the hands of unscrupulous elements. The delegation emphasized the urgency of passing of the ‘Temples and Shrines Bill’, a legislation, which will go a long way in restoring the sanctity of our heritage.
Dr Jitendra Singh assured the members that each point would be considered favorably and sympathetically.