Mirwaiz accuses Govt of neglect

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Nov 27: Senior separatist leader and chairman of moderate Hurriyat faction, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq today alleged that the PDP-BJP Government has failed to fulfill its basic responsibilities of solving the problems of the people.
In his Friday sermon at Jama Masjid here, Mirwaiz said more than a year has passed since the devastating floods hit Kashmir but the Government paid no attention to resolve the problems of the flood-affected and even traders, who pay taxes worth crores of rupees to the Government every year, had been left high and dry and to fend for themselves.
“It was unfortunate that even before the onset of winters, people of the Srinagar city were being subjected to load shedding of electricity for long hours and thus made to spend long winter evenings in the darkness four times a week,” he said, adding that the people were also facing acute water scarcity and other problems while in rural Kashmir the problems are multifold.
The Mirwaiz said the Government was making tall claims for resolving the problems of the people but it seems to be non-existent on the ground. “Those who claim to be elected by the people have happily settled down in Jammu and said goodbye to the people of the valley and their woes,” he said.
Mirwaiz said though the Government talks of bringing Kashmir on the international tourist map, people of Kashmir were even craving for basic amenities like power supply and drinking water.
Citing example of Srinagar Airport, he said: “It is ironical that this only Airport in Kashmir used for civilian air traffic has also been given under the control of Air Force of India and a complete civilian airport is actually nonexistent in Kashmir.”
He claimed that “an impression was being created that the local Government in Jammu Kashmir was free to take any decision but in reality all the decisions taken in the State were being dictated by New Delhi”.