
Saturday  28  Nov -2015

Aries : Today will be a difficult day full of action. You may not agree with your friends about trifling matters, but you will love it. You will complete all work that has been pending, which will give you relief. Ganesha says it is an optimistic day.

Taurus : Today, you are likely to be more reckless than ever in splurging your hard earned money. Ganesha strongly advises you to leave your credit card at home today. Using it for making purchases will only make matters worse. Money wise, be very careful in your business dealings, about the commitments you make. Chances of investing your entire savings on a single offer, and thereby losing them, are very high.

Gemini : Today will be a day filled with energy and enthusiasm. You will have an optimistic view of life and this will help you attain success. You will be able to exercise your free will and take up tasks to your liking. While the day will be busy, it will also be rewarding, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Lack of support from family members will disable your efforts. Children also disappoint you. Discord or difference of opinion in family is indicated. Beware of neighbours. Yet, says Ganesha, face circumstances with a smile.

Leo : You will seek the opinion of others in a lot of matters today. You need to patiently listen to others and keep your lips sealed during the course of conversations today. Your self-confidence may take a beating today, hence do not take any important decisions. It is time for a major change in your work or field of work, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Take a little break today, and spend some time looking within. At your office there may be some bitter confrontations, so Ganesha advises you to be very careful and try to prevent things form getting too difficult. In matters of love, a new romance may develop. Ganesha says you may enjoy a peaceful evening with friends.

Libra : Ganesha says you will showcase your ability and skills today in your work field and impress people. You will develop and express your inner love for art and artistic things and you will purchase a new work of art today. Ganesha showers you with all his blessings.

Scorpio : You can be fondly called as ‘the perfectionist’ today. Right from being punctual to following a systematic method for your work, you do it all. All in all, you set an ideal example for the people around you, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius : You are caught in a whirlpool of emotions, predicts Ganesha. You may come across many ups and downs today. However, nothing seems to deter you from your determination and dedication towards work.

Capricorn : You can’t bear the weight of the heavy work load any more. Very cleverly, you will complete your tasks and slowly but steadily you take the load off your shoulders, predicts Ganesha. Attentive and observant, you meticulously plan your actions and minimise the chances of errors. Today, your efforts will not be effectively channelised, but it will not be a bad day, also.

Aquarius : Academically, you have performed exceptionally well, and Ganesha congratulates you for that. You will inspire and motivate a number of people, and may create a fan following, too. This, however, doesn’t mean that you throw your weight around. Keep a humane and humble approach towards others.

Pisces : The day will be exceptional for working people as the planets seemed to be aligned perfectly, portends Ganesha. You will achieve all the expected results in the office and/or at work today. Those looking to pursue further studies in foreign countries will also make progress and come closer to fulfilling their dreams. Ganesha gladly predicts this day to be fruitful and generous for those who fall under this sign.