Media sensitization workshop organized

Excelsior Correspondent

PCJ president Ashwani Kumar lighting ceremonial lamp to inaugurate media sensitization workshop at Jammu on Sunday.
PCJ president Ashwani Kumar lighting ceremonial lamp to inaugurate media sensitization workshop at Jammu on Sunday.

JAMMU, Nov 29: Mamta Health Institute for Mother and Child, New Delhi, organized media sensitization workshop, in association with Jammu & Kashmir State AIDS Control Society and Jammu & Kashmir Society for Promotion of Youth & Masses, here today.
The event was organized under project Vihaan, which aims at bringing qualitative improvement in the life of PLHIVs. Dr Saleem ur Rehmaan, Project Director, JKSACS was present as chief guest.
A Rehman, Program Manager Mamta  gave detailed outline of the workshop.  Risheesh Khajuria, AD (IEC), JKSACS,  presented the scenario of HIV/AIDS in Jammu and Kashmir and services provided by JKSACS. He said that Jammu Kashmir  State falls under the low prevalence State where the infection rate among the adult HIV prevalence is 0.17 percent with estimated population of PLHAs 5000.
Sukhwinder Singh, HIV/TB Coordinator, Mamta,  explained about the activities taken up under project Vihaan. He said that Vihaan is a national initiatives to establish 350 care and support centres across India to provide expanded access to key services, increase treatment adherence, reduce stigma and discrimination and improve the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS.
In special session of `Voices from  community through the medium of case studies’, audio video film and positive speaker experiences and challenges of PLHIV was shared.
Rajesh Ranjan, Chief Operating officer, Mamta explored the areas in which media can be useful to address issues of PLHIV. Media can play vital role in advocacy so he requested all media persons to cover all important days and events so that demands of PLHIVs can be highlighted.
Dr Ramneek-TB/HIV coordinator from State TB Cell, Jammu,  gave status of co infection HIV/TB in State and Govt response to it.
Ashwani Kumar, president Press Club, Jammu,  gave the assurance that media will support the cause of fight against HIV/AIDS.
Dr Saleem ur Rehman , Project Director, JKSACS said that HIV patients need special attention from all departments as it is our social responsibility to take care of this vulnerable community.
Pallavi Singh, PD-JKPSYM,  gave vote of thanks.