One-day Inter-segment Conference on Criminal Justice Delivery System organised

Excelsior Correspondent

Justice Tashi Rabstan and Principal Secretary Home R K Goyal during conference organised by State Judicial Academy.
Justice Tashi Rabstan and Principal Secretary Home R K Goyal during conference organised by State Judicial Academy.

Jammu, Nov, 29 :  Under the guidance and patronage of Chief Patron of State Judicial Academy, Justice N. Paul Vasanthakumar, Chief Justice, High Court of Jammu and Kashmir and Committee of Judges, State Judicial Academy (Justice Muzaffar Hussain Attar, Chairman, Justice Hasnain Massodi, Member and Justice Janak Raj Kotwal, Member), Jammu and Kashmir State Judicial Academy today conducted one day “Inter-segment Conference on Criminal Justice Delivery System” for all District and Sessions Judges, District Superintendents of Police, Jail Superintendents, Public Prosecutors and Chief Prosecuting Officers and Prosecution Officers of Jammu province.
Justice Bansi Lal Bhat was the Resource person in the pre-lunch sessions which was comprised of two sessions. Session-I was on the topic “Rights of the victim in Criminal cases” and Session-II was on “Rights of the Accused in Criminal Investigation and Trial”.
The proceedings were conducted by Pawan Dev Kotwal, Director, State Judicial Academy. In his introductory remarks, he deliberated on the need for organizing of such Conference for all the stakeholders of Criminal Justice delivery system.
In the 1st and 2nd Session, Justice B.L. Bhat addressed the participating officers in detail on the topics “Rights of the Victims in criminal cases” and “Rights of the Accused in Criminal Investigation and Trial”. He told the participants that the criminal justice system has been designed with the State at the center-stage and law and order is the prime duty of the State. He discussed each and every right of the victim of an offence in detail and gave many illustrations where the victim’s right are not taken care of and even violated. The rights of the victim are oftenly forgotten giving weight age to the rights of accused only. “The fair and expeditious trial is right of both victim and accused and as such, victim has to be participated actively and there should be balance between the rights of victim viz-a-viz accused”, he said.
The post lunch session was presided over by Justice Tashi Rabstan, and session commenced with the presentations made by representatives of four groups of participating officers i.e. Judicial Officers, Police officers, Jail Superintendents and Chief Prosecuting officers and Public Prosecutors as to the various “Causes for Delay in Criminal Investigation and Trial and Remedial measures required to be taken”. Participating Officers raised many issues which were responded to by the Panelists comprising R.K. Goel, Principal Secretary (Home) and Danesh Rana, Inspector General of Police, Jammu Zone.
In final and concluding remarks, Justice Tashi Rabstan appreciated the issues raised by the participating officers and concerns shown by them for remedial measures for expeditious and fair investigation and trial. He said that most of the causes given by the participating officers relate to the issues to be taken up and settled by the State and State must take call to comply with the directions of the Supreme Court in this regard. He further stressed that despite many limitations and constraints, all the stakeholders shall put in their efforts for cutting delays and fair trial.