Leopard kills minor boy

Excelsior Correspondent

RAJOURI, Nov 29: The mutilated body of the minor boy who was lifted by leopard from his compound in Budhal area last evening was recovered from nearby forest by villagers this morning.
Reports said that 6-year-old Mohd Asif, son of Mohd Zamil, resident of Siari hamlet near Kewal village in Budhal was lifted by a full grown leopard when he was playing in his compound at around 6 pm. His mother was also nearby when the leopard ambushed. She cried was help but the wild beast escaped into the nearby fields. The family members and neighbours ran with lathis and manual torches (Massahras) towards that direction and kept on searching for several hours but could not trace the boy or the leopard.
Today morning his badly mutilated boy with only arm and head part was  found lying in the forest area about 1 km away from their house. The people alleged that this wild beast has created terror in the area and has killed many cattle and goats/ sheep etc but Wild Life department has not taken necessary measures to neutralize leopard.