Speaker rejects all adjournment motions; to debate intolerance

NEW DELHI : The Lok Sabha is likely to take up issue of growing intolerance in the country for discussion today with Speaker Sumitra Mahajan rejecting all notices by Opposition Members for an adjournment of Question Hour.

The Lower House is expected to take up the intolerance debate at 12 noon.

”No need to suspend Question Hour to discuss issues of price rise and intolerance,” Ms Mahajan said However, she agreed allowed the matter on intolerance, which is already listed in the business of the day, be discussed later.

The adjournment motions on ‘intolerance’ was moved by RSP Member N K Premachandran and RJD’s   Jay Prakash Narayan Yadav while the one on ‘price rise of pulses’ was moved by Trinamool Congress’ Sudip Bandyopadhyay and Congress Member K V Thomas       ”Both matters are important, however, they do not warrant the suspension of Question Hour,” Ms Mahajan said.

Earlier, the Speaker accepted notices of CPM’s P Karunakaran and Congress’ K C Venugopal for a discussion on the intolerance issue. (AGENCIES)