Cricket or justice for martyrs

On 26 Nov when the whole nation was paying tributes to 26/11 martyrs some media sources broke the news that BCCI has decided to go ahead with Indo-Pak cricket series in Sri Lanka from 15 Dec. This is very sad that instead of fulfilling it’s pledge to bring planners of 26/11 to gallows the Indian Government is more interested in playing cricket with the country from where and on whose behest the terrorist acts happened in which innocent citizens lost their lives. It’s a foolish logic that relations between the two countries will improve by playing cricket matches . Pakistan has openly supported the terrorist and separatist elements against India and the planners of 26/11 are still roaming free in Pakistan spreading venom against India. The way our Government failed to book terrorists like Hafiz Sayed shows that there are some serious flaws in our war against terror. Every citizen of India should ponder over what is more important for us cricket or justice to 26/11 martyrs.
Yours etc…….
Vijay Kumar and Subash Kumar