No sensible Indian will give up claim over PoK: Prof Gupta

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 4: The former Union Minister, Prof. Chaman Lal Gupta has disputed the statement of National Conference leader Dr. Farooq Abdullah that former Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee had offered Pakistan to give up the Indian claim over the Pak held areas of Jammu and Kashmir. He said no sensible  Indian can do so, not to say of the then Prime Minister of the country.
Prof. Gupta said legally and constitutionally Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of the country. Anybody under the oath of Constitution cannot even think of ignoring the Constitution and its bindings.
He said that Dr. Farooq Abdullah is a political juggler who can say anything at any time to seek the headlines. Those who knew him or were aware that at one time Dr. Farooq with Amanullah Khan had talked about pushing out the Indian troops from Kashmir by pointing out to Kalashnikov. The same  Dr. Farooq also talked for plebiscite in Kashmir to settle the dispute and  the same very person talked for use of force against Pakistan when he said,” Laaton Ke Bhoot Baaton se nahin Mante”.
Prof. Gupta observed that the creation of so called Kashmir problem was the result of the follies of the Congress leadership and moreso, that of Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah who was interested only in the Valley of Kashmir. But It was a great folly to go for a ceasefire with Pakistan in 1948-49 when the Indian troops were marching fast in pushing back the invaders from Pak held areas. Later this issue could very easily be solved in 1971-72 when the Indian troops had marked a great victory over Pakistan and captured not only large areas but also over 90000 Pakistani soldiers were taken prisoners of war. But It was unfortunate that under certain foreign pressures Shimla Agreement was arrived at, But Pakistan never honoured any agreement and repeatedly indulged in violations of the ceasefire.
Prof. Gupta also pointed out that as part of their proxy war Pakistan has opted for cross border terror and inflict injuries on India.
Unless Pakistan changes its policies towards India, More so the cross border terror, it would be difficult to have peace.  So the steps should be taken to defeat the cross border terror by arousing the public opinion at International level and more so, Pakistan should be made to realize the peace and tranquility are in the interest of the Sub-Continent and aggressive designs would not yield any tangible results, He added and stressed the need for exposing the elements who are out in making irresponsible statements and thus creating confusion, which would help the enemy alone.
He questioned Dr. Farooq Abdullah that why he did not make such a suggestion when he himself was in the Central Ministry and pleaded with the Dr. Manmohan Singh and others for such like solutions.