Governor, CM pay tributes to Sheikh Abdullah

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 4: Governor N.N. Vohra today paid rich tribute to Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah on his birth anniversary and recalled his significant contribution to the development of Jammu and Kashmir.
In his message, the Governor observed that Sheikh Abdullah was a charismatic leader and a social reformer who fought for the rights of the oppressed sections of the society, irrespective of caste, creed or religion and strived for the sustenance of the secular and pluralistic traditions.
The Governor said that continuous endeavour towards strengthening of our democratic institutions and maintenance of communal harmony and brotherhood would be a befitting tribute to Sheikh Abdullah.
Chief Minister, Mufti Mohammad Sayeed also paid rich tributes to National Conference founder, Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah, on the eve of his 110th birth anniversary.
In his message, the Chief Minister described Sheikh Abdullah as the tallest visionary leader of his times and recalled his significant contribution in shaping the political landscape of the state, in tune with its multi-cultural ethos.
“Sheikh Abdullah pioneered land reforms in the State, which revolutionized the development of all sections of the society. He also delivered the unique concept of Single Line Administration ensuring efficacy in the administrative structure, which brought huge relief to the people at the grassroots’ level,” he said while paying homage to the late leader.