Farooq is right

Kudos once again for the write-up appearing in December 6, 2015 issue of DE !!!
As always, you each successive Straight Talk is masterpiece in its own way-comprehensively analysed woven in warp and weft of historical facts. I quite agree and appreciate that for a change Dr Farooq  has said it right. India and people of J&K should sincerely work for converting LOC into IB for a permanent settlement with Pakistan over the vexed issue and thus bring peace and stability in the region.
Yours etc…
Ravi Magotra

Read ur art. The author is absolutely right and writing is on the wall about the factual position. But these politicians will lose relevance if they openly announce the truth. Also at least more people will now know the wisdom of late Prime Minister P V Narsimharao whose resolution gives a shut up call to Pak. Excellent write up.
Yours etc…
Col Shiv Choudhary (retd)

Kudos to the recent suggestive, informative and thought provoking write up, “Is Farooq off the point ? DE Dec 2, 2015 by Dr K N Pandita, tracing the genesis of the Kashmir imbrogilo since partition, how this soil of sages turned into a bloody battleground of gun culture. Pakistan could not capture her through direct aggression in 1947 and resorted to proxy war, turning this land of Lalla Ded and Nand Reshi, where  Hindus and Muslims lived in peaceful co-existence since ages into peridition.
Now, the new wave of salafism, the new version of Islam has swayed the peace loving Kashmir in a dilemma. Our neighbour in a dilemma. Our neighbour is trying overt and covert means to create an atmosphere of uncertainty to mobilize youth to violence quite against the tenets of Islam. The Kashmiri youth is on the crossroads of confusion, due to the loss of precious  Kashmiri lives in the insurgency since 1990.
It is the foremost duty of elderly generations to bring the youth back on the right track by preaching the noble values of sufism, that teaches tolerance and peaceful co-existence, the essence of Kashmiriyat.
Now, Dr Farooq has come out with a different formula and Dr Pandita feels that Farooq being a man of moods, is now pragmatic in its approach. To quote, “will Pakistan accept  it and stop anti-India tirade?”
Dr Pandita has drawn the conclusion that Farooq is gathering the thread where his father had left it. Farooq should go to Pakistan and convince ISI, middlemen and Anglo American policy planners to agree the new formula, “What is theirs is theirs and what  is ours is ours”, so that once again the dawn of peace, progress ushers in Kashmir as suggested by Mr Vajpayee during his Prime Ministership, otherwise this proxy war shall sap the vitals of the two nations in the ages to come.
Yours etc…
K L Dhar
Durga Nagar Enclave