‘Pollution in Jammu’

Apropos to the news item  and your editorial , it is really high time for the authorities to wake from the slumber and immediately do something to prevent Delhi like situation in this City of Temples. How beautiful it would have been if no vehicles are allowed to ply or enter  Residency Road, Raghunath Bazar etc .It shall really give a beautiful and serene environment to the visitors and the locals. Authorities can learn lessons from Himachal Pardesh Govt , as it has not allowed any vehicular movement on the prestigious Mall Road which has added to its beauty and tourist get attracted to it in millions. Same model can be introduced in Jammu. Only will power on the part of authorities is required to take initiative. Jammuties will definitely welcome the move.
Likewise authorities enforcing pollution related norms need to deal with the situation with iron hands. As it is the question of the lives of the people and prestige of Jammu no laxity should be given to anyone how mighty he may be. No pollution  checking centre in city or even in the State ever refuses pollution certificate to the vehicles. It seems the pollution checking devices are so programmed that they never show pollution level of a vehicle above control. Forest Deptt, Pollution Control Board, Traffic Police, MVD all need to pull up their socks and show their existence on ground to save the jammuties. The practice of doing things on papers  to exhaust budget only shall not yield any fruits and they will have to pay for their negligence one day or the other like ex LAWDA officers.
The common masses too should come forward and contribute their best for the sake of their coming generations and Jammu. The use of polythene must be abandoned, public transport should be encouraged and used for plying instead of using individual vehicles, for short distance walking should be preferred which shall also contribute to good health simultaneously.
It is moral duty to make Jammu pollution free in every respect otherwise our progeny shall not spare us for our negligence.
Yours etc….
Haroon Latif Choudhary
Sidhra, Jammu