NC Minority Cell delegation calls on Relief Minister

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 31: A delegation of National Conference (NC) Minority Cell led by its president M K Yogi and chairman B L Bhat called on Minister of Law, Relief and Rehabilitation, Basharat Bukhari and discussed various burning issues of the displaced Pandits with him.
The delegation discussed the pending verification of shopkeepers, pending file of RBA with Social Welfare Department, simplification and revoking of verification for bifurcation, water and medical facilities for Jagti Muthi and Buta Nagar camps with posting of more doctors and para military staff to cope with the rush of patients, reconstitution of Apex Committee of migrants, implementation of PM’s employment package without further delay, renovation of Purkhoo camp and converting the old one room sets into two room sets, passage of shrines and temples bill, removal of encroachments from migrant land and shrines in the Valley, timely release of relief and ration, simplification of procedure for release of medical aid for chronic patients and posting of subject wise teachers for camp schools Jagti.
The delegation demanded that these issues be settled immediately as they are pending for a pretty long time.
The Minister informed the delegation that some measures have been already taken by the Government and on other issues he gave on spot directions to the concerned authorities for redressal. He also assured the delegation that he would visit the camp in near future.
The delegation was accompanied by Bal Krishan Bhat, Shuban Pandita, Harminder Singh, Abhay Bakaya, Master Roshan Lal Bhat, Ashok Bhat and Ankush.