Modi’s master stroke

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent visit to Pakistan is a master diplomatic stroke. What wiseacres may say, but as a peace loving citizen, it was a joyful moment.
The changing scenario of the world is based more on the concept of interdependence than on independence.   Both India and Pakistan are atomic powers of south Asia and India is of course a big nation and more progressive and developd than many of its  neighbouring countries.  Its big stature entails big and responsible behaviour from her. And its  in deep interest of India to have  complete friendly diplomatic relations around so that major percentage of its  GDP gets utilised for the growth of the nation. In furtherance of this lofty objective, the unilateral friendly  step of Mr Modi is a giant diplomatic step. Of course its a U- turn in Indian  foreign policy.  The people on both sides of the border are jubilant today and  paying their accolades to Modi. Once relations will be bridged  it can lead towards settlement of may issues.  But hostility between the  two  will  never ever  take them to peaceful settlement and two countries will continue with inmical relations. Resultantly conflict will continue and peace and progress will be the worst casulty. The world order has changed and in thus changed socio political  atmosphere there is a  paramount need for an out of box  aproach on the part of  Indo Pak leadership. S ooner they wil realise it, the beter it is.  Its the clarion call of the time  for both  Modi and Nawaz and I hope the today’s lofty endeavour of  Indian Prime Minister will  prove  harbinger of good days for Indo Pak citizens and there relations.
Yours etc….
Mubashar Raina