Azhar owns 6 airbase attackers

Dreaded terrorist outfit Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Maulana Masood Azhar has accepted that the six gunmen who attacked the Pathankot airbase belonged to his group.
Azhar owned the terrorists a day after India told Islamabad that he was among the four handlers of the attack in Pakistan.
Uploading an audio on the internet, the Jaish-e-Mohammabd chief described how the terrorists intruded into the sensitive air base of Pathankot to destroy vital IAF assets and fought the Indian artillery and security forces to achieve their aim.
Warning Pakistani Government against accepting any dossier or proof regarding the Pathankot airbase attack from the Indian Government, Masood Azhar asked, “why are Pakistani leaders bashful and bow to Indian leaders?”
This is the second audio of Azhar released in two months. In the first audio, he had pledged ‘Jihad” against India.
In the investigation conducted by the Indian defence forces into the Pathankot airbase attack, the names of Masood Azhar and his brother Rauf have surfaced along with two others.
Four Pakistani handlers have also been identified who were issuing directions to the militants holed up inside the Pathankot airbase.Two other conspirators, apart from Azhar and Rauf, have been identified as Ashfaq and Kasim.
Rauf was the man behind the hijacking of Indian aircraft IC-814 to Kandhar in which three Pakistani terrorists, including Masood Azhar, were released in exchange of passengers.
Investigative agencies have come to know that the attack was plotted near the border at a place called Makarz . India has already handed over all the evidence to Pakistan in this regard. (UNI)