CEC, MP take up issues with GOC 14 Corps

CEC Dr Sonam Dawa Lonpo, MP Thupstan Chhewang and GOC 14 Corps Lieutenant General SK Patyal during meeting at Leh.
CEC Dr Sonam Dawa Lonpo, MP Thupstan Chhewang and GOC 14 Corps Lieutenant General SK Patyal during meeting at Leh.

Excelsior Correspondent
LEH, Jan 11: Chief Executive Councilor (CEC), LAHDC, Dr Sonam Dawa Lonpo and Member Parliament Thupstan Chhewang met GOC 14 Corps Lieutenant General and discussed the issues taking place between Army and civil.
CEC Dr Dawa took up the matters including need of carrying out developmental work in border village Demjok, Changthang under BADP and the problem of not returning of live stocks after accidentally crossing over while pasturing. MP also felt the need to bring back the animals or find a way to compensate the residents for their loss.
On CEC’s request for increase in air-tonnage, GOC said that the interested civilians of Nubra region who are unable to fly from Thoise Nubra can fly from Leh also. The meeting was briefed that about 600 tonnes of air-tonnages is scheduled for the year 2015-16 out of which only 100 tonnes have been utilized.
MP Thupstan Chhewang requested GOC to accommodate the lying of communication cables of BSNL along with their cables in the already dug road side diggings along the highway, which will help save the huge extra infrastructural cost and would also help in providing communication to the villages.
CEC and MP suggested for having sterilization of the street dogs in the interest of the general public at large to which the meeting agreed to have a joint action sterilization programme after lying down of a proposal.
Issues like sterilization of street dogs, retaining of the conventional system of tendering to the Cooperative Societies in Ladakh sector, redressal of the genuine grievances of the porters engaged at Siachen Glacier, resentment against the Army by the inhabitants of border areas for movement, Army to cooperate with the LAHDC Leh in vacating the encroached state land, completion issue of Hundri bridge and formulation of a systematic procedure for approval and implementation of projects under Operation Sadbhavana were also discussed in detail.
GOC Patyal assured CEC and MP of full support of Army in building Ladakh and also in strengthening the Army-civilian bond.
The meeting was also attended by concerned officers of the Army.