Political uncertainty

With the sad demise of Mufti Mohd Sayeed, the State has lost  the  last surviving political stalwart and statesman of post independence era.  Not only he left the political vacuum but political uncertainty on the  political spectrum of the  state.
Mehboooba who is  taken as heir apearent is at the moment   is in a dilemma.  If she goes by status quo  then at the very threshold of her anoinment she will earn the  stigma of recognising saffron party who is quite detestable in the Valley and  in some other parts of Jammu province  where finally  PDP has hopes of survival .  And if decides to snap ties with BJP then for all times  get stigmatised  of treachery to BJP which is heading at Centre and apparently going to ruled country for a considerable time.  On the issue of grand alliance though it looks fantastic with strong regional dimensions, but then the pertinent question is how long such a alliance  can  survive.  Both PDP and NC are politically dichotomous and if any party which has become direct victim of the emergence of PDP on pol spectrum of the State  is of course NC.  From two third majority in 1996 election  NC was reduced miserably in Assembly election and  them complete washout in Loksabha election only on account of burgeoning popularity of PDP.  So chances are very bleak that these arch rivals will share power cake together and for a long time.  Now comes the option of PDP-Cong alliance. But the past of  bonhomie too is not so encouraging. Though human memory is short but fact is that Cong PDP alliance headed by Azad broke unilaterally by PDP when Cong wanted its survival with the support of PDP.
Then there is  also an opinion floating in some circles that Mehbooba is bit tough and radical as compared to his late father and this attitude is antithesis of coalition mantra.
At the same time  the  anti-status quo element in the Valley have altogether  not taken the PDP BJP alliance in good taste and Geelani the superb anti status quo voice  while conveying her condolences to Mehbooba  has categorically told her to snap ties with  BJP.
There is simmering discontent in PDP itself for the alliance with BJP which in their estimation has proved more bane than boon for the party  especially in the  valley and for  its  survival.
And then if BJP  is kept out with 25 seats in Assembly who apparently represents the Jammu voice  with strong regional and religious overtures,   is of course a big  challenge for any such alliance  which is described by many as grand alliance headed by Mehbooba as CM.
Last but not the least, the challenge for Mehbooba will also be to keep her flock together . Of course inspite of strong  grievances and discontentment within the party it was the very tall and mature personality of Mufti Sayeed which kept at bay  all such dissenting voices,  but whether Mehbooba will  lead the flock together with same charisma as her father did, is  a moot point to be finally judged in times to come. Political pundits are not so optimistic.
Yours etc…
Khurshid Bismil
Thanamandi Rajouri