Farooq releases Sodhi’s Kashmir Ate Sikh Itihaas

Former Chief Minister, Dr Farooq Abdullah releasing a book of S Anoop Singh Sodi at Jammu on Saturday. — Excelsior/Rakesh
Former Chief Minister, Dr Farooq Abdullah releasing a book of S Anoop Singh Sodi at Jammu on Saturday. — Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 16: S. Anoop Singh Sodhi’s book Kashmir Ate Sikh Itihaas was released at a grand function held in Jammu Club here this evening by former Chief Minister and president National Conference (NC), Dr Farooq Abdullah in presence of galaxy of intellectuals, prominent citizens and political leaders.
The book written by Late S Anoop Singh Sodhi who was former president of Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee Baramulla and an ex Range Officer highlights the contribution of Sikhs of Kashmir especially their role in pushing back the Pak invaders in 1947 to maintain secular traditions of Valley by laying down their lives.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr Abdullah paid rich tributes to the author and highly acclaimed his book. He also lauded the role of his children in publishing the book after the death of their father.
He said late Sodhi was lover of humanity, a great nationalist and secular person who loved human beings irrespective of their religion and region. “We should take this message forward and try to increase our understanding and good relations with fellow human beings to make this State happy.
Dr Abdullah said “if we work in this way the day is not far away when the ray of light seen by father of Nation, Mahatma Gandhi in Kashmir way back in during days of partition will be visible again there”.
He, while regretting that women are not still given equal treatment like men in the society, stressed on educating girl children.  He said without educating girls country can’t go forward.
Dr Abdullah, who had gone abroad for treatment said that his wife donated her one kidney to him and now he has become a Western person also. He said “I am a Gujjar, a Kashmiri but first of all an Indian”.
Regretting that majority of Indians are forgetting their mother tongue and they take pride in speaking in English, Dr Abdullah said the mother tongue is a source for advancement and progress. He said some people of India like Begalis, Tamils, Kanads take pride in talking in their mother tongue but Kashmiris speak so fluent English as if they are fathers of Western people.
He said it is good that this book is in Punjabi and recalled the role of Sikhs especially in pushing back Pak invaders in 1947.
Earlier Prof Neelu Rohmetra Director Business School University of Jammu in her address said the book talks about various rulers and their rules in Kashmir, the political, economical, religious and educational standing of the Sikhs during Sikh rule and thereafter. She also gave a detailed account of blood shed of 1947. Prof Rohmetra said the book is very informative and would definitely benefit the readers and recommended that it should be apart of all the libraries in the State.
S Pushpinder Singh of Executive Editor of Nishan illustrated journal of Sikhs  in his address said entire world was not known about the contributions of Sikhs of Kashmir and this book has made entire world familiar about the contribution of Sikhs of Kashmir. He also highlighted the role of Nishan Magazine in this regard.
S Charanjit Singh Khalsa, MLC also lauded the role of the late author and his children especially Commodore Dalbir Singh Sodhi in bringing out the book after the demise of his father.
He, while recalling the sacrifices of Sikh community said it is because of their sacrifices that Pak invaders were forced to beat a hasty retreat from Kashmir in 1947 to make Kashmir part of India. He regretted that the successive Governments betrayed the Sikhs of the State and their demands were not fulfilled.
Former Minister and NC leader Harbans Singh also spoke on the occasion and lauded the role of the late author and his contribution to the society.
The welcome address was read by Commodore Dalbir Singh Sodhi, son of author. He said his father had burnt mid night oil for five years to collate details by pursuing various historical documents and available references as also interacting with number of people to make the book as factual as possible.
Understanding that a number of books about the history of Kashmir were available in  other languages his father choose to write in Punjabi so that the people conversant with Punjabi language could benefit.
He said the book gives an insight into the administration of Kashmir during the Sikh rule, blood shed of 1947 and the losses suffered by Sikhs during that period.