ESRM presents ‘Teen Batteyn Teen Lakh Ki’

A scene from the play ‘Teen Batteyn Teen Lakh Ki’ staged by ESRM in its Monday Theatre Series.
A scene from the play ‘Teen Batteyn Teen Lakh Ki’ staged by ESRM in its Monday Theatre Series.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Jan 18: Ek Sath Rang Mandal in collaboration with BLSKS presented a new play ‘Teen Batteyn Teen Lakh Ki’ in nukkad form at Durga Bhawan, Janipur, Jammu, in its Monday Theatre Series.
The solo play has two main characters— a saint and a king, both played by Vijay Malla and supported by other actors. The play has teaching with a flavour of historical folk story of a king and a saint. A saint wants to sell three advices in three lakhs. The King asks saint that he is ready to purchase the advices for three lakhs.
Saint explains the three advises to the king, which are “you should go for a walk early in the morning, treat and welcome everybody who visits your kingdom and never loose your temper and act blindly without knowing the facts.
The king noted the saint’s advices and thanked the saint. But saint returned three lakhs back saying that if and when you will act on these advices I will take your money.
The king starts morning walk next day and hears weeping noise nearby. He asks who is weeping and why? Voice replies that ‘she is destiny and weeping because king of this kingdom is going to die tomorrow because of the bite of a cobra, which will enter this kingdom from nearby mountain’.
The king acts in haste and orders his ministers that in case he dies, his daughter will be next king but in male appearance and male costumes. She should look like a king.
Next order, he gives is that from that mountain up to his palace, big milk pots will be kept because to welcome any body coming to the palace. Cobra emerges from mountain and reaches the palace where king is present for his welcome. But cobra leaves the palace without harming king and his associates. After sometime the king enters his private room and finds that some young man in his costumes is hugging his wife in an intimate position.
The king loses his temper and holds a sword to kill that person but immediately he recollects third advice of that saint and stops. After verifying the identity of that person, he is astonished to find his own daughter in a male get up. So all the three advises given by the saint comes true.
The play teaches lesson to those who do not take their life serious and act according to sayings of their elders.
The play was written and directed by Vijay Malla.