Will Mehbooba carry forward Mufti’s legacy?

K B Jandial
Ever since the sad demise of Mufti Sayeed, his inheritors are talking about his legacy and solemnly affirming to carry it forward. But is it so simple, given the complexities and wide ranging legacy?  Are his political inheritors equal to the daunting task? Political impasse that unfortunately followed his death leading to avoidable Governor’ rule does not, in any manner, assure the people of the strength and capabilities of his legatees.
Will Mufti’s heir apparent and the party tread on razor’ edge to carry forward  his bold political experiments, the last being stitching of North pole- South Pole alliance. Having full faith in his commitment to the welfare of J&K, Mufti had been taking political risk and at times, going against the current.


Straight Talk

Mufti’s legacy cannot be confined to the geographical limits of one region or one section of the population as his vision transcended these boundaries.  He was as much of Jammu, being the only Kashmiri Muslim to win election from Jammu’s Hindu heartland, as of Kashmir. In fact, he loved to stay at Jammu even in summer, not as much on health ground as on his liking.
Mufti often quoted VP Singh that “politics is the art of possibility and managing contradictions” and practically followed it till his last breath. In one of the interviews while the terms of alliance with right wing nationalist BJP were being negotiated, he had candidly said, “I see an opportunity to mend the divide that exist between the two regions of Jammu and Kashmir.” His conviction and faith in managing contradictions led to his bold decision to go in for “North pole South pole” alliance notwithstanding near revolt in his house. Mufti knew it well that these cardinal directions actually don’t meet but he also understands fully that the distance is more of the  mind than geographical. Mufti considered it as “historic opportunity to unite Jammu with Kashmir and to unite J&K with India”. For Mufti, connecting Kashmir and Jammu regions was as important as engaging Pakistan through sustainable dialogue. This is his legacy which he has bequeathed to his inheritors to carry forward.
His death should not have been the cause of political uncertainty in the State but his heir apparent made it by not accepting the mantle that has fallen on her.  Probably he had premonition of his impending end, he made it known that his baton would pass on to Mehbooba whom he credited with raising of the party. She is his natural successor he said so in his interview with Neerja Chowdhury in October last.  His wish, however, has not yet fructify as she is still evasive of heading the North Pole- South Pole alliance.
While reassessing alliance with BJP Mehbooba needs to recall what her revered “Daddy” had said on the day of oath of CM in an interview with a national daily.  Justifying the alliance Mufti said, “Now, the mandate was such, there was no way out. Political isolation of this region (Jammu), which BJP had swept would have resulted in more serious consequences rather than working with the BJP in government. I didn’t secure mandate like Arvind Kejrewal got in Delhi…Yes, I had offers from NC and Congress. But that would have been limited to government formation. Both these parties like us didn’t have any representation from Jammu’s Hindu belt.” How matured and candid he was! The situation has remained unchanged even today with no other option available to Mehbooba. She must not be unaware of her father’s views and vision of taking along all regions while running the Govt.
While media leaks speak about Mehbooba’s” anger” against Modi for not treating her father well, Mufti had expressed full faith in PM in tackling problems both at national as well as State level even though he was disappointed over unjustified delays in release of funds from the Centre for the 2013 flood affected. He had said that his faith in Modi remained unshaken. “I think there is no alternative to Modi today at the national level. Many people may not like it, but this is my view. I feel he is here to stay for the next 10 years.”
Mufti showered praises on Modi at public functions even when he was getting flaks on “intolerance” after Bihar debacle and nobody was willing to bail him out. “He is not at all intolerant. He has joined hands with Mufti when we have only three seats in Parliament. Modi is an elected leader of more than 1.20 billion people. He must have joined hands with us with some vision,” he had told reporters at one of the public functions.
Faith on Modi was not just a political necessity but based on his experience on working with him. Mufti told  Neerja Chowdhury in an interview in October last, “despite what happened during the first month of my Chief Minister-ship – and I stand by what I had said – the tussle over Masarat Alam, Pakistan flags at meetings, the PM did not give a knee-jerk reaction, like the Congress used to do.”  He was also impressed when Modi made the army probably for the first time, to deliver justice to Kashmiris in unfortunate incidents at Machail and Bhadrapayeen, Handwara.
For many, Mufti was a bridge between Kashmir and the rest of India. Actually, he belonged to old school of Congressmen who gave accommodation in politics. Half sentences and at times vague articulation were his meaningful personal traits. He was so matured and stable that the pinpricks of coalition would not derail him from his focus. This is his legacy.
Amidst reports, leaks or speculative, of renegotiating the Agenda of Alliance and evaluation of its implementation during coalition’s 10-month rule, it is essential to go back to the “purpose of the alliance” as recorded in the historic document. It says, “The PDP and the BJP have entered into a “Governance Alliance” based on an agreement and agenda which is an effort towards seeking a national reconciliation on J&K. The purpose of this alliance is to form a coalition Government that will be empowered to catalyse reconciliation and confidence building within and across the Line of Control (LoC) in J&K thereby ensuring peace in the state. This will, in turn, create an enabling environment for all round economic development of the state and prosperity of the people.
“The raison d’être of this alliance is to provide a stable and a representative government in J&K which: respects the mandate given by the people; strengthens the institutions and widens the ambit of democracy through inclusive politics; provides smart governance; rings about self-sustaining and balanced development across all three regions of the state; creates conditions to facilitate resolution of all issues of J&K.
“While recognising the different positions and appreciating the perceptions BJP and PDP have on the constitutional status of J&K considering the political and legislative realities, the present position will be maintained on all the constitutional provisions pertaining to J&K including the special status in the Constitution of India”.
In what way this “purpose” has been defeated in 10 months? Process of reconciliation was in progress. Mufti’s statesman forced BJP to accept realities of article 370 even though they had been seeking votes on it and other special constitutional positions including State flag which fluttered on their Ministers’ cars. By compromising its decades old opposition to State’s special status for which their founder father, Shyama Prasad Mukherjee laid down his life, and agreeing to an agenda which many claim to be anti-Jammu, BJP in fact, performed its part of commitment on these critical issues and in the process eroded its base in Jammu. Same is the case with PDP which too lost its sheen after joining hands with BJP. But then it was inherent in the alliance and they should have been ready for its adverse impact. Good governance and dispensing justice to people of all regions alone can turn around their political fortunes. Then ten months are too small a period to deliver.
In the absence of clarity on formation of Govt. from Mehbooba Mufti who in traditions of  High Command culture of political parties, has been authorized to take call on Govt. formation by the PDP’s core group on 17th Jan,2016, leaks and speculation in the media are ruling the roost. The political uncertainty that was unleashed with the unprecedented refusal of Mehbooba Mufti to take oath as CM immediately on the ground of mourning continues even today to detriment to both parties as well as the State.  Delay is only adding to the armory of opposition parties.
Is the delay in taking oath and forming Govt. with existing coalition (its dissolution not yet announced) by PDP Chief attributed to her aversion to “unholy” alliance stitched carefully by her father with or without her indulgence or dissension within the party? There are media reports on both counts. Presence of the reluctant son, Tasaduq Mufti in PDP meetings by the side of his grieved sister and his media interview is indicative of his jumping in to politics which he hated few months ago. It is an important political statement. Tasaduq is right when said, ” Mufti sahib was convinced that every other option( in forming Govt.) would make this place suffer more…”Are dissensions within the party too deep to trust any? Is she scared of quitting PDP’s president-shipin the event of becoming CM? Is she another Sonia Gandhi in offing? Is she waiting for a call from Modi (which may not come)? These and many more questions would arise if she does not take a call immediately.
Omar Abdullah was right in his open letter to Mehbooba- either accept the responsibility of running the Govt. or seek fresh mandate. Negotiating alliance with other parties by both PDP and BJP may not give a stable Govt. Mehbooba alone holds the trump card. If she declines to form Govt. with BJP having mandate of Jammu region, it would amount to de-franchise Jammu? Is Jammu bound to hand over its mandate to the political convenience of Kashmir leadership? This would be a new dimension to Jammu politics which is against the legacy of Mufti Sayeed.