Suspension of driving licences

This has reference to the news item ‘Driving licences of traffic rules violators to be suspended’ DE Jan 25. The decision taken by SSP, Traffic for suspension of driving licences of traffic rules violators is more than welcome.
By merely suspending driving licences of violators is not going to check growing traffic problems. The violators should also be subjected to a hefty fine so that they won’t repeat the offence next time. Traffic rules violators have taken traffic personnel for granted and hardly care for rules. Having no regard for rules, they even cock a snook at traffic personnel. As nobody is punished, everyone violates traffic rules, particularly the minibus operators.
If the Traffic Department succeeds in implementing the rule, it will not only bring great relief to commuters but also will help in reducing road accidents considerably. Besides, traffic jams can be avoided to a great extent.
The Traffic Department has to be more effective in case it wants to achieve the aboge objective.
Yours etc….
Kanika Kapahi
Pacca Danga, Jammu