Omar takes dig at Mehbooba

Hitting out at People’s Democratic Party (PDP) president Mehbooba Mufti over delay in Government formation with Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), former Chief Minister Omar Abdullah said that he can’t understand why she didn’t feel the need to ask the Centre to take a Confidence Building Measure (CBM) before her father died.
“The only thing I don’t get in all this is why Mehbooba didn’t feel the need to ask for this before Mufti Sb died???” Mr Abdullah, who is the working president of National Conference (NC), wrote on micro-blogging site twitter.
He was reacting to Ms Mufti’s comment after meeting Governor, which read, “Before formation of new J&K Govt, I want Central Govt to take some confidence building measures.”
Reacting on veteran actor Anupam Kher comment hinting that his travel permit was denied by Pakistan because he is a Kashmiri Pandit, Omar said  the denial could be because he hasn’t submitted an application for a visa to the Pakistan High Commission.
“But sir it could also be because you haven’t submitted an application to the Pak High Commission for a visa, no,” Abdullah wrote.
He was reacting to Kher’s comment which read, “The reason could be either I am a Kashmiri Pandit, or because I have spoken on intolerance debate”.
Earlier, Omar accused BJP of claiming credit for the rural jobs scheme even as he thanked the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during whose tenure MGNREGA was introduced.
“BJP never tired of criticising #MNREGA & are now selling it as if it was their gift to the nation.
“Thank you Dr Manmohan Singh Sahib,” Omar wrote.
The National Conference leader, an admirer of the former Prime Minister, said history will judge Singh more favourably than how it is has been so far.
“Dr Manmohan Singh is right, history will judge him far more favourably than he has been judged so far. #MNREGA being a case in point,” Omar added.
As MGNREGA completes 10 years, the Narendra Modi Government, which had earlier appeared critical of the UPA’s flagship rural job scheme, hailed the measure saying the achievements of a decade are a “cause of “national pride and celebration”. (Agencies)