India, Brunei have equal stakes in Asian neighbourhood: Ansari

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN : Underscoring that India and Brunei have equal stakes in the security and prosperity of a “shared Asian neighbourhood”, Vice President Hamid Ansari today said that both the countries have an interest in maintaining the safety of the sea-lanes in the region.
Ansari also said stressed that India wants to expand cooperation with Brunei in combating terrorism, particularly preventing its financing through sharing of information.
As trading economies, both India and Brunei have an interest in maintaining the safety of sea-lanes and maritime security, he said delivering a speech at University of Brunei on the topic ‘India-Brunei: Partners in Peace and Prosperity.
“Both our countries have equal stakes in the security and prosperity of our shared Asian neighbourhood,” he said.
“We seek to promote not only mutually beneficial bilateral relations, but also to work institutionally with regional partners and foster a climate that is conducive to stability, security and economic development in our region,” he said.
Yesterday, India and Brunei held discussed the Chinese territorial claims in the South China Sea which has the potential to affect free maritime traffic in Southeast Asia.
China claims the South China Sea and 90 per cent of the islands including major shipping lanes that dot it. Brunei, along with other ASEAN members like Malaysia, Philippines and Vietnam, has been also staking claims in the South China Sea. (AGENCIES)