Land scandal

State Vigilance Organization has unearthed land scandal of huge proportions in which 49 state functionaries including two serving IAS officers and many from the revenue department have been indicted. About 16 FIRs were lodged with the police in connection with fraudulent allotment of government land under Roshni scheme. Of these, the State Vigilance Organization has completed investigation of 4 FIRs and established the fraudulent distribution of land and named the persons against whom cases have to be registered for prosecution.
However, the SVO is faced with non-cooperation of General Administrative Department which has to give its agreement to the prosecution proposal. Strangely, the GAD is making one or the other pretext and is showing its reluctance to issue its accord to prosecution of the indicted persons. Obviously, since the indicted persons are holding influence with various quarters in the administration, they are bringing pressure on the GAD not to give accord in the hope that no prosecution will take place and they will escape scot free. The GAD is obstructing normal flow of justice. This is a huge land grabbing scandal and has cussed the state exchequer immense loss running into thousands of crores of rupees. The Government functionaries who are alleged to be non-cooperative and even obstructive in the matter of flow of justice should be made accountable. The Service Rules should be made applicable in their case and the rule of law has to be established in the State.