Bhim Singh appeals MPs to realize affects of Art 370

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 9:   Chief patron of J&K National Panthers Party Prof Bhim Singh has appealed to the Members of  Parliament to go throw the hidden contents of Article 370 in the Constitution of India  to enable them to come to a conclusion whether present language of Art 370 deserves a change in the greater interest of national integrity and unity.
Making an appeal to the MPs,   Prof Singh expressed shock saying that 90%  Members of the Parliament out of 790, have not cared to study and value the contents of Article 370 which has been kept alive by the Parliament knowing well the contents of Article 370 are affecting the nation like cancer for the past 65 years.
The NPP leader said that this is a tragedy that Art 370 which was opposed by the Chairman of Constituent Assembly, Dr  Bhim Rao Ambedkar was inserted into the Constitution with a sinister move to weaken the national unity when the Constitution was promulgated on January 26,  1950. He said the Constituent Assembly committed the biggest blunder by inserting Article 370 in the Indian Constitution which was totally against the basics of National  integration. 557 States were merged into the Union of India which included Hyderabad and Junagarh even though these two states never signed Instrument of Accession. The Maharaja of J&K had signed Instrument of Accession as was signed by other 557 rulers.
Prof Singh questioned the decision of the Constituent Assembly to insert Article 370 in the Indian Constitution keeping J&K away from the map of integration. The new generation, particularly the intelligentsia, political and social activists should answer this question as to why J&K was not declared integrated with the Union of India along with 557 states.
He said that  Maharaja Hari Singh was bundled out of State in 1949 itself without abolishing Monarchy in the State. This needs a serious debate on the role of the major political parties. Prof Singh called on  the civil society, the lawyers and intelligentsia to seek answer to some questions as what was reason  on the members of the Constituent Assembly to force Dr Karan Singh an heir to the throne as a Regent of the State? Why Maharaja Hari Singh was subjected to humiliation and thrown out of J&K without divesting his status as Maharaja in 1948?  Why Article 238 was not applied to the State of J&K?  What is the jurisprudence and what was the reason to put a stop of the constitutional powers of the President of India who was empowered in this provision by the Constituent Assembly? How the powers of the President of India could be curtailed by this legislation which was absolutely unwarranted, undesirable and unacceptable in the domain of the Constitution of India?
This is tragic in the history of the Constitution of Union of India that the so-called Constituent Assembly created in J&K for the pleasure of the Constituent Assembly was declared more powerful than the National Assembly or Parliament. Prof Singh said that the members of the Constituent Assembly literally murdered the soul of Indian Constitution and even threatened the very existence of democracy and unity of the entire country by keeping J&K out of the map of India by inserting Article 370 which deserves to be trashed without delay by the Parliament.