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Vikram Sabharwal
Once upon a time Mulla Nasrudin was going on a trip. And as all the husbands tell their wives, “that I have an important piece of work, it will be done in three day, I believe and it’s a business trip. If it will take more time, I will inform you and send a post card and inform how many more days it will take. Listening to all this Mulla’s wife replied, you don’t worry, I took out the card from your pocket and have read that you will be away for 15 days and this is not a business trip”. Husband- wives, friend -friend, father -son, all are hiding many things from each other, and when they hide things, love dies. Love does die when you hide things.
Love needs simplicity, love needs open sky, love cannot be disciplined, and it’s a spontaneous happening. You can stop love from coming, you cannot bring love. The Sun shines but you close the doors and windows, so the Sun rays cannot come in. the Sun remains there. When you were a child you where full of life and love. The love dies out when you grow up, you remain busy with the activities your parents ask you to do, the society wants you to do, for love, it can be discussed later, later you will have time for this. The society tells us it’s wrong, don’t discuss it. Time passes, we are in our teens, we get attracted to the opposite sex, and then silence dominates us. And when we talk of liking, love is also discussed and love is closely associated with heart. Love is never accepted by the society. Love means danger, that is why you always talk of heart but your heart is not your identity because people say love is blind and so is the heart. But in reality it’s the only organ which has an eye and the one which does not have a loving heart, its only a blood pumping machine, a mechanical machine, the person with a pumping heart  has nothing living, it’s only a skeleton of bones covered with flesh, he has on life in it. The society has taught us to understand, to judge but kept us away from love because those who love can be cheated, dis- owned and exploited. The new society only teaches how to cheat, dis obeys. Big fish is eating out the small fish, and you cannot be different from others. That is why if you do not unlike, doubt, and be rational, you will not become a successful person. So if you are in love you will not built a big house, a big business, you will not become a leader, no big post, expectation will set aside.
Interruption is there, because when you wanted to speak something ,you were not allowed to do so, keep quiet, when you wanted to play, no , when you wanted to laugh, you were not allowed to do so, when you wanted to cry, you were not allowed to do so, don’t cry. When you wanted to laugh loudly, you were told its bad manners, and when you wanted to say something, you were told not to say, and when you never wanted to say, you were forced to say.
Later, you get married, all the love dies, recall when you last gifted a rose to your wife, took out her for dinner, when last you gave a message to your spouse, took a cup of tea together, took food in one plate. Love dies out with age. Other relations come into play, now you are a husband, a father, you have in laws, husband’s and wife’s start living a superficial relationship.
What’s wrong to celebrate Valentine Day when your children are at the age to do so? What’s wrong to gift a rose, take out your spouse for dinner? Let the children stay with grandparents for a day. Some of you must have been doing this but many still feel shy and do not spend time out with each other. Celebrate with your spouse once in a year, remember the good old times, when you got married, when you first met, when you saw the first movie together. Life is too short to celebrate, give a call today, and as Mr Rattan Tata has said, “count the number of weekends remaining in your life”. Open up, demand time, freak out from the busy schedule, you will always remain busy as you were earlier and remain busy always. Houses have been build, money has been earned, you are on the path of success already, take a short break, realize the small happiness around you, go go go out now, don’t wait.
Last I recall a beautiful story, few months back I got a friend request on face book, her surname was changer and so was the face, I replied ,”are you the same I know”, she said yes. She was the same girl I had met 24 years back. She was not a usual friend of mine; we first met on the train from Jammu to Delhi. Coincidently we talked, shared address, and we become pen friends. We shared letters, for long we continued the exchange of letter, my addresses changed from city to city but the letters continued. Land line phones were there, but limited calls were possible once a year or so. Later I got a call that she got married, in the mean time I also got married. The letters stopped coming, we lost the contacts. Then it was the revolution of Face book and what’s up. She searched me again, now we chat with each other, we still are friend “pen friends”, but the format has changed and we have a static address.
Today, you have so much to talk, to share, to meet. You are in the new revolution with latest contact gadgets, take out time, call your old forgotten friends, send a friend request, send a message, recall, and put life into the moments. Enjoy, life does not gives a second chance always. Enjoy!