DSS, Ex-Services League to felicitate British MP

DSS president G S Charak addressing press conference in Jammu on Saturday.
DSS president G S Charak addressing press conference in Jammu on Saturday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 13: Former minister and president Dogra Sadar Sabha Gulchain Singh Charak and Maj Gen (Retd) Goverdhan Singh Jamwal,  president J&K Ex-Services League explained in detail about the programme being organized at Partap Hall, Dogra Sadar Sabha  on February 16 to felicitate  Bob Blackman MP who is visiting Jammu along with his wife.
Addressing a joint press conference they said  Dogra Sadar Sabha in collaboration with J&K Ex-Services League is felicitating him for the support he has given to the  cause of India in general and of J&K in particular, in a Seminar on Accession of the State with India by Maharaja Hari Singh on 26th October in the British Parliament. Both the daughters of the State Lakshmi Kaul founder Kashmiri Pandits Cultural Society and Manu Khajuria Singh founder Voice of  Dogras are also accompanying him. They have been doing wonderful work in the British Parliament in UK. They will be felicitated for this cause.
They said  Bob Blackman is well known Parliamentarian who has been fighting for such causes for the last quarter of a Century. As we all know Pakistan has a very strong lobby in UK particularly in the Parliament and also in Europe and America and we have not been doing much to counter the propaganda of the Pakistan lobby. It is perhaps the first time in these seven decades that Lakshmi and Manu with the support of Bob Blackman have tried to turn the tables.
Now that he has taken upon himself to plead the cause of India in general and people of the J&K in particular, we would like to apprise him about certain facts about the Dogras of Jammu and the contribution made by the Dogras, firstly in founding this unique State of Jammu and Kashmir by Maharaja Gulab Singh with his able Generals like Gen Zorawar Singh, Mehta Basti Ram and Gen Ghulam Khan and governing it for 100 years. There is nothing in common in the five regions of the State and yet it was one of the finest closely knit State of the Country.
It provides a good opportunity to the Dogras of Jammu and the media to put across these points to Bob Blackman and listen to him.
Others present on the occasion included Col Karan Singh (Retd),  Gambhir Dev Singh Charak, Ghulam Ahmed Khawaja, Col Rajinder Singh (Retd), Col J P Singh (Retd)  and Chhatter Singh.