2-day General Council meeting of LAHDC begins

Excelsior Correspondent
LEH, Sept 10: The two-day General Council Meeting commenced today under the chairmanship of CEC LAHDC, Rigzin Spalbar at Council Secretariat. MP Ladakh, Hasan Khan, MLC Norboo Gyaltson, ECs, Councilors, DC and District officers were present.
The leader of Opposition in the House, Councilor Kyungyam Dorjey Motup along with other BJP Councilors also attended the meeting and raised many questions, which were answered by the ruling party.
The proceedings of the meeting began with ECs giving the detail of plan allocation and annual plan proposal for the year 2012 and the achievements and works undertaken till date in various departments under their head.
Addressing the meeting, Mr Spalbar said that cold storage facility would be made available in the district by next year, adding since agriculture is the major source of sustenance for the people there is a need to make Ladakh a fertilizer free zone by going for complete organic farming using local manure like Rigpa, composed manure”.
Calling seabuckthorn as goldmine for Ladakhis, he urged the concerned departments and public representatives to motivate the people to indulge in the seabuckthron production.
He strongly urged the Councilors and HoDs to work in close coordination with the Panchyat members giving them due respect and consideration and leave no ground for miscommunication that may give a chance to the people with vested interest to play their game.
Putting education on the top priority of Council, CEC asserted, “our objectives will be achieved only if we can provide quality education to the poorest of poor children in every remote hamlet of Ladakh”.
Addressing the meeting, Member Parliament Ladakh Hassan Khan suggested the Agriculture Department to keep a data of annual amount of surplus and damages to agricultural produces and a data of annual intake by Army and percentage of increase and decrease in supply of vegetables to them.
On the request of CEC, MP announced to give Rs one crore out of his MPLAD fund to construct Ladakh House at Dawarka, Delhi, for which land has been allotted by the Union Government.