Malla recalled on Mother Tongue Day

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 23: Rich tributes were paid to Vijay Malla a renowned singer of the State at a function organized by Radio Sharda here today on the eve of Mothers Tongue Day.
Bihari Kak a social activists and a well known artist was the chief guest on the occasion while president Nagrad A K Naz was the guest of honour.
Bihari Kak spoke on the evolution of Kashmiri through different modes in Kashmir and its perseverance by Radio Sharda in Jammu. He said Radio Sharda has been doing yeoman’s job in promoting this language and assured full cooperation to the cause.
Speaking on the occasion president Pir Panchal Ramesh Hangloo said Radio Sharda is working for the revival and propagation of Mother Tongue through its broad based programmes. He said our objective is to make children aware about the mother tongue.
A K Naaz highlighted the role played by Radio Sharda in popularizing the mother tongue among younger generation and providing the platform to displaced poets, writers  etc. Vote of thanks was proposed by J K Raina producer, director and social activist. The porogramme was organized by Vijay Kaul general secretary Pir Panchal and S K Koul.