TV serials for social change

TV serials are telecast on TVs as a regular feature for the past some time. These serials have got historical, political, economic or social background behind them. These serials are viewed by a majority of people daily and continuously as they convey the day today happenings besides being a means of entertainment. They are mostly telecast from so many channels. All the serials generally last long for a long duration sometimes for years together.
The serials are generally female dominated, the characters depicted are sometimes a don, sometimes a deity or an evil spirit. The serials of whatever duration do not end in a decisive conclusion leaving the spectators in suspense, sometimes quite opposite to their calculations, they leave spectators in a very inquisitive position after an expiry of an episode. The serial sometimes depicts very unethical and nude scenes which are sure to have a negative effect on the society especially the younger generation. These serials generally show multiple marriages both from male and female side not to the good of society. So it is enjoined upon the producers and directors to telecast such serials as are based on human values and in a position to bring a drastic change in social fabric as far as the bad practices and customs are concerned.
Yours etc…
Dwarika Nath Raina
Upper Muthi,  Jammu