Union Budget nothing except jugglery of figures: LPEF

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 3: President, All J&K Low Paid Employees Federation, Abdul Majid Khan, has described the Union Budget proposals for the year 2016-17 as jugglery of figures like all previous budgets.
He said neither any step has been taken to check price rise nor measures incorporated to generate employment to absorb the unemployed youth.
“Moreover, Provident Fund—the hard earned savings of employees and workers have been taxed while as on the other hand income tax exemption limit has not been raised in order to neutralize adverse impact of sky rocketing prices on the working classes and toiling masses”, Khan added.
The Federation chief further said that that in the name of Aam Aadmi, who has been given sugar coated pill, the creamy layer of society comprising politicians, bureaucrats, big businessmen, MNCs and the foreign investors as well have been bestowed with various concessions to swell their gains.
He called upon the employees to unite and fight for defending their hard earned rights which are being taken away one after the other by successive Central and State Governments.