Governor comes to rescue

As the controversy rages over implementation of National Food Security Act in Jammu and Kashmir, Governor N N Vohra has asked the State administration to identify lacunae in the Act and ensure that adequate quantity of food grain is provided to the people notwithstanding financial implications.
According to the authoritative sources, the Governor has issued directions to find out deficiencies in implementation of NFSA and ascertain exact quantity of food grains, required for people of all three regions of the State.
The shortfall in grain will be met by the State Government notwithstanding its financial implications for which the State Finance Department has also been issued necessary directions, sources added.
The Governor’s directions have come in the wake of hue and cry over implementation of NFSA in Jammu and Kashmir as people would get lesser ration under the new arrangement.
Taking cognizance of purported protest demonstrations of general public and statements of political leaders, Governor N N Vohra has issued necessary instructions to the State administration for ensuring that people of Jammu and Kashmir, particularly in rural and remote areas of the State, may not suffer for getting ration under NFSA, sources explained.